
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:14:17
a、b两端电压恒定,定值电阻R1=2KΩ,现用内阻也是2KΩ的电压表测电阻R1两端电压为2V,测R2两端电压为4V,则不接电压表时a、b间总电压为多少V?(两电阻串联) 已知:y=y₁-y₂,y₁与x+1成正比例,y₂与x-1成反比例,并且x=2时,y=1;x=3时,y=3.求y与x的函数关系式. What is a cool job?I would say "a cool job" is __ you would do even if you didn't get paid for it.A.one B which C.why D.that I would say "a good job" is __ you would do even if you didn't get paid for it.空格用one还是that?kkkkk "I wouid say a good job is _ you would do even if you did not get paid for it. 谁介绍几本英语数学书rt马上就要升初二了~看到别人都在外面拼命的补课~我可不想后退~谁能介绍几本适合新初二的教科书~英语数学的~想在暑假里看点书~增长点知识 What do you think of your new job?I think it is very difficult(判断) 谢谢的解答 ,能给我说一下数学图解书的名字吗? It is a job where you are doing something serious but interesting.请问为什么用where 而不是which or that啥的 若x₁=y-1,x₂=2y+3,则y= You could give him a ticket to a ball game.to的用法. a ticket to a ball game 和a ticket of a ball game 哪个正确?of表示所属与to表示归属有何不同? a ticket to the ball game和a ticket to a ball game的区别 you could give him a ticket to a ball game.这里的ticket to a ball game是名词所有格吗?名词所有格和定语怎么区分? 涛声依旧歌词的含义快,十分钟要 涛声依旧歌词的修辞手法与含义流连的钟声 还在敲打我的无眠这一张旧船票 能否登上你的客船 请问涛声依旧的意思是什么 涛声依旧的意思 [涛声依旧]的全文意思是什么? 《赞汉字》是什么来的? My ______(bad)school subject is maths.I think it is the most difficult.(用适当的形式填空)In our country,a _______(post) code is usually a group of numbers.(用适当的形式填空)那边发生什么事了?让我们过去看看吧.( 求介绍现当代数学百科的书籍我想全面系统粗略地了解一下现当代数学的一些高热度分支的基本情况.最好是比较权威,并且深度合适(谈及学科基本思想和应用即可).自己亲自阅读过者, How do you find maths?For me,it is___ geography 空中填 so difficult a subject as为什么错了 介绍控制理论数学的书最近在看现代控制理论基础的书,但里面很多数学公式和来源都没有推导,比如极大值原理,都是直接给出定理.哪位高人能推荐一本比较全面介绍控制理论里数学理论的书 My brother is good __English ,and I do well __Maths.We all work hard __them.横线上为什么分别填上 at,in,at 介绍个有所有数学定理的书我想要本有所有数学定理概念的一本书好复习谢谢 A:There is a n_____subject in this t________,do you know?B:Yes.It's S_______S______.下面:A:Do you 1____it?B:Maybe.I t______it will be i_______.A:Of course.When do you h______this 1_____?On M___________?B:No.It's on F______.W_______will tech us Mr 含义.这一张旧船票能否登上你的客船. 北京儿童外教英语哪里有 如果两条直线l₁:ax+2y+6=0与l₂:x+(a-1)y+3=0平行,则a等于? 这3个标志用英文怎么说 如图,直线l₁:y=x+1与直线l₂:y=mx+n相交于点P(a,2),则关于x的不等式x+1≥mx+n解集为