
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:34:27
清朝雍正的胞弟十四王爷囚禁时他的妻室子女也被治罪了吗还是发配宁古塔了 当年的太后也是他的生母 对于十四王爷的家世没有宽恕吗 清朝,雍正年间的敦亲王是允俄吗? The color would be much lighter than that you see on the top of a high mountain.翻译成中文. 修改 We find this important to study English. I fonud _____ important for us to study English well A .this B.that C.which Dit The good news we get from TV and radio makes us feel more kindly toward other people,but bad news求翻译 人生就像一场戏 因为有缘才相聚是哪首歌的歌词 《姥姥的剪纸》阅读题 当我忆及姥姥的剪纸声时,我的梦境里会出现哪些声音,哪些景物?我好想对姥姥说些什么? 人生就像一场戏,因为有缘才相聚,后面是什么是整诗的.,谢谢了 人生就像一场戏应为有缘才相聚他还要途径 But the games.That we climbed were just seasons out of time意思 翻译“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London 懂英语语法的帮帮忙我想填,ing 形式,但答案是ED为什么呢?怎么看的?那close的逻辑主语和主语分别是哪个? 用I,watched,year,last,moon,the造句 _____ did you visit Greet Wall last year Only once. In______,people can communicate with each other by compaters.(add)what_____?A.was happen B.was taken place C.have happen D.happened 有谁知道人生就像一场戏后面的内容啊 洪楼广场是一个好玩的地方.【用英语怎么说】 初三上册物理学不懂了怎么办? please c__ the map blue. He found it impossible______ in a noisy room.A.study B.to study C.studing D.to studing Most students find ______ necessary to study hard every day .A:this B:that C:it D:one I found it boring _____ (study) in such a lonely place I found_________ hard to learn maths well in such a short time.A.it’s B.this C.that D.its我知道it正确,也认为A对,可答案怎么是D,我觉得答案错了. 这本书就如何与人交流提出了很多建议.This book gives __ __ ___ how to communicate with people. color the map,please是什么意思 想问下many a 与more than 的用法more than one _____willing to help himA.students is B.student are C.student is D.group aremany a _____ passed the driving testA.people have B.people has C.person have D.person has请说明下原因 谢谢 证明:logaMn=nlogaM (n∈R) logaMn=nlogaM(n∈R). 小明一天下午在家看书,听到敲了一次钟,他继续看书,看完书抬头望钟,时针和分针正好合在一起.小明在这个过程中,听到钟声共12下.问小明一共看了多少时间的书?(小明家的钟整点敲钟,几点 某城市的一天下午,突然刮起了大风,一大片乌云飞快地飘过一幢大楼上空时.突然有人惊呼:“楼要倒了!”造成这种判断的原因是此人选取的参照物是(地面还是乌云) 为什么logaMn=nlogaM (n∈R).