
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:42:57
the home of和the home for的区别请问可不可以通用?书上有两个例句:Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals.It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants,fish and birds.那么,Zhalong is the home____ plants and animals. 's home与the home of的区别? 的感觉真好作文600 其余的要不要都无所谓)!我就快要升入初中了,可是却不见了我的书 叫我怎么复习啊?所以只有劳烦各位哥哥姐姐,前辈们帮忙出一些题给我做,当复习(一至六年级),别跟我说让我去买,如果 ,感觉真好为题写一篇600字作文 该不该和正在追的女孩开玩笑? 请看清楚问题,详细考虑后再作答.本人读数学研究懂公式.一共有 X 张牌,其中,红色有 R 张 ,蓝色有 U 张,绿色有 G 张,白色有 W 张,黑色有 B 张.从上述 X 张牌中随机抽取5张:5张牌中至少有2张白 看我能不能解出来 并作一个研究的过程和验证的过程 1米=1平方米对还错 I — —(着手)travel all over the world I'll travel all over the world! Must.什么意思?.. 已知一个圆柱的主视图的周长为12,则该圆柱的体积的最大值等于? 若圆柱的轴截面周长为4,则该圆柱的侧面积的最大值等于________ 如何还原魔方(一)底面十字 修一条水渠,第一天修了这条水渠的1/3,第二天修了余下的1/2,多20米,还剩350米没修,水渠有多长? 一条水渠,已修全长的2/3少20米,没修的比全长的1/2多5米,这条水渠长多少米/ I hope one day I can travel all over the world while doing well of my career. 求英语作文travel over the world 帮我写一篇以I hope to travel around the world为题的英语作文~写好一点! 英语小作文( I hope )急~~~~~要帮忙写一篇英语小作文题目 I hope 六面魔方还原的所有口诀,具体要求看问题补充!不要用英文和加减号来表示,我看不懂.就用汉语.如:上顺(上层顺时针)右逆(右边逆时针)等,这样来表示! ①- can you guess if they _____speaking English with us?- I think they will do if they _____ free①为什么填“will practice;are”②We ____friends since three years ago.为什么填have been③I get ____when someone talks to me while I ____ the computers will be used over the world什么一下 If I am famous,I will (travel all over the world) (对括号部分提问)____ ____ ____if you go to the movies? Why Don'T You Get A Job?歌词 why don't you kiss her的歌词要有中文的翻译 Eve went to play basketball with her friends after finishing her homework .的同义句 Eve went to play basketball with her friends after finishing her homework. John went out to play with his friends after he finished his homework.同义句 Alan went to play football with his friends at once after he finished his homework.(改为同义句)Alan went to play football with his friends at once after he finished his homework(改为同义句)_____ _____ _____ he finished his homework, 底面周长是12.56米,高是1米,圆柱体积是多少