
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:01:33
英译汉 1.are you planning visit us anytime soon 2.we finally had a day off from school this week 3.英译汉 1.are you planning visit us anytime soon 2.we finally had a day off from school this week 3.There are other large chains,like Seattle’s 请问BULK OF NNPC EQUITY SHARE, 的中文意思? LIFTING FROM BULK OF NNPC EQUITY SHARE, 英语翻译如上 like a bad penny A bad workman always blames his tools. ____with more local people is good for your spoken English.(communicate) 多读书对你自己的个人的发展有好利Reading more books is good for your()()() Microsoft profit surges 79% on PC sales,怎么翻译 They did pass their exams 为什么要加个did 不可以这样说嘛?They pass their exams is the stamp ten yuan怎么做肯定回答 lt is 对括号里的提问 什么才能学会读拼音呢? (3)Your d________ of your mother is very good.(4)I need a p______ to practice my spoken English.( 11.Your English is very good,but you still need more_____ .a) practice b)language c) studies 12. 《宽容》读后感600字中学生水平 reading aloudis a good way.为什么aloud?loudly呢 ()English aloud is a good way to learn English well.A Reads B Read C ReadingThere are few ()in the fridge.A vegetables B fruit C asIt is very important for students ()English well A learn B learning C to learningIt is very nice () you () 填空:Reading more is good for your (). Natrual Spring Water是什么?老爸刚从美国回来,带回了倩碧的东西,但发现一瓶和雀巢矿泉水差不多大的瓶子,里面是透明液体,像柔肤水又像矿泉水,全是英文,Natrual Spring Water saratoga spring water怎么样? He is very fond of collecting stamps同义句He is ____colecting stamps 英语 在上学日,要用AT SCHOOL DAY,还是用别的介词? fell on the ground、fell to the ground和fell onto the ground有什么不同?最好有例句, After ()some water,he took off his shirt,lay down on the ground and fell asleep at once.问()添drank还是drunk.大案是drunk fell on the ground什么意思 school前面的介词用in还是at school的介词用什么?好象有at 和in 用 a kind of 造句 .初二水平的哈 school前介词加什莫?IN?ON?AT? He ask _____to sit or stand in theright place. The bench was hard to sit on ,but it provided an excellent resting place for people after climbing 翻译,