
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:59:45
how fast did the winning car go 太阳最早升起的地方知道是东经180度,能不能告诉我具体是在哪个地方啊,比如什么群岛,或者什么地名可是我之前在哪看到的好象是说属于日本管辖的范围内啊? He called at every door,__________ people the exciting news.(tell) he is in the world空白处 A tallest b tall 选哪个 如果选a 那不是要加个the 可就这两个答案可是答案中没有 而又要选一个 到底选哪? 英语翻译我要适用于长句的,不要给我一些错漏百出的翻译器啊-_-!```帮我找一找啊 英语翻译…… 求英语高手 .当主语从句较长时 而谓语较短时 常常将主语____主语置于句首而用i求英语高手 .当主语从句较长时 而谓语较短时 常常将主语____主语置于句首而用it作为形式 Is Internet the greatest power in the world?Why or why not? what's the wrong with you?有什么错误 The test is a little difficult.(同义句)The test is____ ___difficult. 学长们好.张剑的阅读150、石春帧的220、新东方、张锦芯、胡敏.如何选择?请大家多多发表意见. 在做张剑英语阅读150篇的进TOT,求安慰求指导~感觉越做越差怎么办,现在每天坚持做一个unit,但是一直都错7个左右,今天更是错了10个,感觉三观、节操、自尊什么的全毁,已经有放弃治疗的想法 张剑的《2010考研英语第一时间—英语阅读理解精练100篇》大家有用过的么?看到这书配比比较科学(60篇阅读+40篇新题型),加上张教授的名号,想作为真题外的补充.在当当上看到评价还不错, 求有关阮籍的一切阮籍,魏晋时期人 介绍一下阮籍 竹林七贤之一的阮籍的人物生平. 阮籍是谁魏晋时期的 英语翻译随便你,我无所谓.翻译成英文怎么说?翻译软件就算了.满大街都是 The dictionary is being printed and it will soon ________A.turn out B.come out C.start out D.go out The dictionary _______ (print) and it will soon come out. 急,the dictionary is being printed and it will soon _____ .A.turn out B.come out C.start out D.go out I think 可以放在句末吗?Nobody can tell you I think这样可以吗? A new English-Chinese dictionary will soon ( ) out.AworkBcomeCgive Can you tell me ( )? Sure.He's an artistA. where is your uncleB. what does your uncle doC. where your uncle isD. what your uncle does l want to _____(take) a present for my cousin.应该用什么形式填空? 运行Matlab时出现错误?Attempted to access rxd(500); index out of bounds because numel(rxd)=3.%用Matlab实现FIR滤波器,并将先前随机产生的500个样本输入,得到最佳估计.clear;clf;sita=0;pi/249.5:2*pi;xnoise=sqrt(0.05)*randn(1, one hundred of the ... 阅读理解填词帮帮忙阅读理解填词帮帮忙 初三阅读理解填词It was late last Monday,but Tom was still 1 TV in his room.There was a wonderful football match on TV.2 excited(激动的)he was!That night he 3 go to bed until twelve o'clock.The next morning,it was a 4 to eight.It was too la ___ you come over to my house for dinner tonight?Sure.I'm glad to.A .Are B.Did C.Can D .Must麻烦把原因解释下 3点前要 阅读理解填词A school year was over and the summer holidays began .Peter got home happily.He showed his school reports to his m .After reading his reports,the woman was h ,too.Her son took f place in the exams.―Well done,my son!‖ put,school,some,magazine,we,funny,in,stories,the.连词成句