
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:05:04
10张娱乐票务中有4张电影票,10人依次抽签,问第一第二个人抽到电影票的概率是否相同 we would be together through-out every single thingthroughout every single thing是什么意思,single怎么解释 That we would be together through-out every single thing! "修之来此,乐其地僻而事简,又爱其俗之安闲"这句话是出自哪一篇古文是古文 “在舒适的环境里变得安逸.”这个意思的两句古文 那个 有个文言文的 讲的是国家不能太安逸 而要有压力 那个文言文是什么 就是里面有说 国家太安逸 后来就灭亡了 求那个文言文的名字 和 生活不能太安逸的句子 黄河的自述700字黄河的自述 700字! 黄河的自述 四年级400字,急! 母亲河 自述 跳进黄河洗不清 和跳进黄河洗不尽 的内在含义 So how could i blame them since i would have done the same thing?如何理解解释下这句语法、结构、翻译,越详细越好.尤其要解释后半句“since i have done”,句法及其合理性.该句出处为英语专业用书,综合教程 There are seven birthday in july?错在那里? 歌词有I'm sorry I fall in love with you是哪首英文歌啊?男的唱的 ( ) you like to go with ( ) sorry ,I ( ) 怎么填 每空只能填一个词 I think I fall in like with you 中文翻译,有采纳 韩国人送的O HUI FOR MEN的化妆品,fresh skin fresh emulsion是什么意思fresh feel cleansing 韩语表达的当然看不懂了,只能把每瓶的英文标识发过来. There are five over seven-foot tall players. 大一用英语是fresh man,那么大二大三大四用英语怎么说呢? 解释句子The shop usually offers some fresh food to the old man.改为同义句 问句 ——————————?There are seven. fresh 不是man,就是men这个词 what are you busying with 这个是什么意思? It's______ a long time since I started to teach at this school为什么 爱莲说里省略句中的意思主要是 予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染中“出”后的“于”和濯清涟而不妖中“濯”后的“于” 的意思 I don’t think Lily saw me.She was choosing a sweater for his daughter.翻译 I think she was old.我认为她原来是老的?I don't think she was.She can't have been old.She must have been young.这怎么翻译I think it was cheap.I don't think it was.It can't have been cheap.It must have been expensive.同上.最好将语 “What do you up to?”是“你最近在忙什么?”的意思吗?我写成了“What do you up to do?”,额,多加了个do,错了?再问下,英语聊天中,还有可以表达:“你在忙什么呢?”之类的问句? 以A high school history teacher once told me,"开头的完形填空题试题出处整套题在哪里及其答案 what are your opinions about "eating out"?一篇英语作文 This school has a long history.it_100 yearsA.builds B.built C.was built D.has built是选哪个哟 原因.额 我也觉得应该有个 AGO 可能是卷子印掉了 plenty of teacher ------( be) in great need in this new school.请问如何填空 what about Mike?he come home-----用safe还是选safely,为什么能看作主语补足语,选safe吗 4. What are your personal opinions about the use of international outsourcing?翻译