
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:46:58
If you don't go to school,_____ Inor do 还是so will还是neither shall? 我对你不想去上学的想法感到很惊讶.I'm very surprised at the ___ ___ you don't want to go to school You don't go to school on Saturdays,do you?(A) Yes,I don't.(B) No,I don't.并说明理由 玲玲用8天的时间看完一本书,每天看了这本书的九分之一还多2页,这本书共有多少页 问天气有哪几种句型 玲玲看一本书,第一天看书的四分之一,第二天看全书的七分之三,三天看完这本书,第二天比第三天多看全书的几分之几? 推荐下艾米纳姆好听的歌曲 语文文学.求答案.急! 艾米纳姆给女儿写的歌阿姆给女儿写的那首歌最好带翻译 艾米纳姆最好听的歌 谁能帮我找一篇用英语写的作文 主题是国家间的联系都是以自己国家利益为出发的, 语文故事发展情节~`半期考后的第一节课就是班主任的课,班上绰号叫“小候”的从门外直冲进门,大叫道:“班主任来拉!”以后的故事怎样发展呢?(注:50字左右就好了,不要太多~) 为什么go to school不用加the? 写小说,童话等可以提高语文能力吗?我一般得一百零几分,作文没什么好词好句,阅读也不怎么好,有时思路来了,才写得“洋洋洒洒”,没思路,就是有一句写一句.亲们啊, John wants to buy a car for himself.(保持句意相同)John wants to buy a car ____ ____ ____. 请教英语达人“repair”与“restore”这两个词之间有何区别,请教英语达人“repair”与“restore”这两个词之间有何区别,在词义及用法上,希望能够详细精确一些, 英语词语的区别!英语达人请进!other others the others another的区别是什么? 光辉的旗帜读书征文(纪念党成立90周年)!明天就要、各位大姐大哥们帮帮小妹把~别人写过的我不要~求求各位大哥大姐了~如果有的话,我一定会终生感谢的~ We plan to go swimming after school this afternoon.(对pian to go swimming 提问)____do you ____ _______ _______after school this afternoon 求多芬莹润秀发广告歌,英文歌曲来的,个词中是Why you gotta treat me like that~don't be like that~ 定语后置 状语后置 宾语前置的区分我记得老师曾经教过一个区分的技巧,说修饰动词的是什么什么,后面接形容词的是什么什么,反正3个都区分的开,但我忘了,求补充. 英语翻译"Continue praying,keeping alert,and always thanking God.Also pray for us that God will give us an opportunity to tell people His message." (Col.4:2-3a)"Therefore,as we have opportunity,let us do good to all,especially to those who are of 英语翻译but a well-konwn British TV personality turned politician,seeking elelction to the European Parliament-on a staunchly anti-EU ticket. Belive my, you will be better.是什么意思 You and me will do better in the future一定要把I改me吗?me I 不能互换吗? she (take or takes)the pen to the home aim high shoot low怎么翻译阿 The children fell down and hurt _______.A them B themselves C themself D theirselves 谁能帮忙介绍下如何翻译这两句话I would have swept floors.I would have licked envelopes.把这一段都写上来吧When you're in Paris,you can't help but notice fashion. I wanted something to do with fashion.I would hace done anything.I She takes a bus home.对划线部分提问划线部分是 home 突然忘了 鲁滨逊漂流记这种写法对我们写作文的启发是:《鲁滨逊漂流记》(故事梗概与精彩片段)写了鲁滨逊“遇险上岛”—()—()—()—()这些故事情节紧扣一个()字来写.这种写作对我们 we can’t aim high.aim和high是什么词性.