
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 22:02:00
He is a very good man ,还是He is very good man?哪个对? ] he is poor,he is very happy. Joan was happy because she was given some _(use) gifts last week. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空.She ______(marry) a rich man some years ago. I was a student some years ago.对some years ago .提问怎么提? 这个字念,什么 为什么promise+to do而consider + doing? promise doing sth还是to do sth promise doing 和promise to do有什么区别?球答.类似的问题呢 xxxto do/doing.. 你能感受到自然与文化的交融 用英语怎么说 两种文化碰撞交融的英语怎么说由上传统文化与先进文化碰撞交融的英语怎么说 having drunk some milk i have some trouble with my stomach这里为什么用having而不用have?为什么? “I am having some trouble with my classmates ”said lisa 直接英语变间接英语 “I don‘t want to end Promise to do 和Promise sb to do 区别何在含义 象interst 修饰人后面加个ed 修饰物么加个ing有什么规律吗 interst又是什么词性 还有哪些词的规律是这样 +ed形容人 + ing 形容物 至于什么词加的我忘了.记的我妹妹说过... 请问这些请求的句式为什么有些动词加ING,有些加ED呢?Can I borrowed your pencil?Could you lend me a jacket?Is it OK if I ues your phone?Do you mind if I use your CD burner?Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night?Would you mi any some在问句里有可数名词和不可数名词的关系么?是可数用some不可数用any么 英语翻译Having finished her homework,Ma Li wants some music for relaxation.As usual,she starts her computer and goes to Baidu.com to download music files.But this time she is surprised when an announcement about protecting songs' copyright bursts 英语翻译就就就就就就就就就就 中译英,请不要用google中译英:我们以前从不默音标,但是她要求我们默写单词要默音标.我们一开始觉得很难,但是后来,特别是在进了高中后,我们才知道她是为我们打好基础 英语翻译Keeping onels head low can be a way of avoiding trouble ,but some types of trouble may necessitate heading in the opposite direction.十万火急!应该是Keeping one's head low can be a way of avoiding trouble ,but some types of trouble 英语翻译韦政通说:“在所有的爱中,最强烈,最令人困惑,也是最缺乏稳定性的就是性爱.”(韦政通.中国的智慧[M].长春:吉林文史出版社,1988.250.)所以建立在性爱基础上的婚姻总是包含着“ 翻译英文"Love story" love story翻译 love story的翻译 I think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day这句话是啥意思?请赐教!在下感激不尽 英语翻译 Must I do _____ cleaning this Sunday?用some还是any 任务性阅读 英语作文过年准备 红花衣和日记本读后感初一读后感红花衣和日记本,或者读者2014年一月的两期任意一篇文章的读后感600字