
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:27:15
A lot of visitors are eating Chinese nice food.-------------------------------- 对画线部分提问 buyers of this kind of are_____(main)foreign visitors 意思是feeling pleasure而且以h开头的单词? 辅导书求推荐福建 高二 文科 政史地语想要买些辅导书,要买5.3还是什么? joy happiness是什么意思 happiness和joy哪个表示的更长久 happiness 和 joy 应该没有很大区别吧?正如汉语中的开心和愉快的区别吧? 请意译:a paradigm shift There was a big garden with many trees in it.(同义句转换)There was a big garden with___ ___ ___. 急.英语口语作文,describe a movie,大约200字,谢啦. describe a movie that you like,tell me what happens,describe why you like it This is the cleverest man____ I've ever seen.用who对吗? He sent me a postcard asking for my photos.为什么是asking for 贵族制与寡头制的区别是什么? 贵族制与寡头制异同 寡头是什么意思 英语T^T谢谢 教师节来临之际,小张同学制作好了一张明信片,但是不知道该写些什么好,请你帮帮他. 英语不会T^T 教师节到了,李明同学给老师寄了2封信和一些明信片,一共花了3.4元.已知每封信的邮费为0.8元,每张明信片的邮费为0.6元,他寄了多少张邮票? 英语高手请进:Recepion class for term 这是一个新西兰一家教育机构给中国家长的信:原文是:Dear Mr and Mrs Hu,This is to inform that Kai chen's end-of-term examination results have been discussed and carefully considered.Fo 英语翻译羲之幼讷于言,人未之奇.年十三,尝谒周顗,顗察而异之.时重牛心炙,坐客未啖,顗先割啖羲之,于是始知名.及长,辩赡,以骨鲠称,尤善隶书,为古今之冠,论者称其笔势,以为飘若浮云,矫若惊 填空题:在我家里,妈妈是最忙的.My mother is __ __ in my family. 英语.快T_T this is a nice photoe_______my family,从括号里选出答案.【1 at 2 in 3 on ] 英语第三题句型转换,拜托嘤T_T 英语同义句转换 T-T (题实在是..)Lucy looks like his father(改为同义句)LUCY _____ ____ his father 我很费解 应该是 be similar to可是各自不够啊 怎么写呢 ________in my family ________ very _______ 我家里的每个人都很友好填空 我同学再说nba的时候老是说大猩猩大猩猩 到底是指什么啊? Eat to eat not suffer in time, will suffer.Bitter, sweet. 这句话该怎么翻译才好啊 ,本人英语不是很好请大家帮帮忙了 首字母:They are often c_____"vets". they are good frends意思