
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:21:57
古往今来的著名的书法家是哪些? 3.古往今来,我国涌现了许多著名的书法家,如【】、【】等. i like cooking. i think it is a good way to______(使...放松) myself 出自岳阳楼记的成语及释义 it's time for going to school 对吗 我是个高二的男生,我的同桌是位漂亮的女生向我表白说喜欢我,我开始也喜欢她了,可是后来……后来发展到:有时候面对我,穿裙子故意走光,校服扣子最上面一个没扣好,露出来了.有一次我实 The one I’m suppose to share my whole life with,It's 歌劇女?My Prayer Devotion. [D29] She is very dear to us.We have been prepared to do ______ it takes to save her life.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever 请翻译,并分析. 玩滑板 英语怎么说玩滑板 英语 怎么写 说 拼 滑板英语怎么说 出自岳阳楼记的成语有什么? 出自《岳阳楼记》的成语有那些? 出自《岳阳楼记》和《醉翁亭记》的成语 美国人在中国生活,与,外星人在地球生活有什么区别? That's Life 歌词 that's my life,FMLsdf lt's time for school.(保持原意)要保持原意! 滑板用英语怎么说 去滑滑板用英语怎么说? 水浒传中的人物是否真实存在?如果存在那与现实生活中有什么不一样 假如我们生活的世界没有声音,我们的生活将变为怎样的情境?请举三例 我们的生活跟以前有什么不同 求一份英语自我介绍一份很简单的英文自我介绍,单词一定要简单!结合人教版初一单词与句型,一分钟即可(我只认得初一上学期的单词,)重谢! 英语翻译Dear sirs,Re:Proforma InvoiceWill you please send us the soonest possible your proforma invoice for 1 000 pieces sewing machines with prices CIF Lagos?Our client in Lagos,Nigeria,requests us to obtain from you a quotation for sewing machi 英语翻译Could you please?1- Send me the measures of the color card of the Single Full Panel 8mm to provide you the files to print them.The measurement of the color card is 15X50cm .pls send me the design of color card ASAP .2- I appreciate you to It’s time for _______ (休息),Let’s play football. all right, i just wanna ask u do u know how to speak English?啥意思 There is no telling what will happen.这句的句中成分怎么划分?有的说There is no telling是固定用法,那就是what will happen 是主语.那这句就是what will happen is no telling ;有的又说telling what will happen动名词短 英语翻译英译汉1、as requested,we shall cover your order against all risks and war risks for full invoice value puls 10%.2、we should like to mention that our quotation is CIF London.3、one client of ours requests us to obation form you a be there is no telling what will happen.what后面的是什there is no telling what will happen.what后面的是什么从句? 翻译句子:外贸函电1.你公司2007年9月来函内附一千台缝纫机订单一纸已收到.兹附寄第246号确认书一式两份,请签回一份以便存档.2.我已接受你方85号订单订购货号1002号印花布十万码.请告颜色 英语翻译我们愿意给你公司一个样品订单金额为3000美元