
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:31:01
求9.26 托福机经预测!邮箱:eattvset@hotmail.com 谢谢啦 You forgot to go to the meeting?You _____important things.It’s so disappointing.A.had always forgotten B.are always forgettingC.always forget D.were always forgetting 选哪个答案呢 为什么 The Smiths have three daughters,one a baby,and_twins of twelve.a.another b.the other c.others d.the others twins的粤语歌曲里面有 one two three four 的歌词的叫什么名字 Be c_____ not to be late for that important meeting.中填什么? 托福2012年5月12日的预测题机经 发到wendy9412@hotmail.com It is an important meeting.Everything should be r before it.填空 空的地方噢s开头 ___that is important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right directionA.one B.all Ceverything D.anything 是做某事最好的方法是 the best way of doing sth还是.for doing sth主要是问介词用of还是for in the night 还是on the night? on the night和in the night 如Where does a bird live?为什么live不能用单三形式? Nobody knows exactly how many years it will be--Chinese football team enters the final stage of theWorld CupAbefore Buntil a way of doing和a way to do有什么区别啊?比如:a good way________ saying "I'm full" is rubbing the stomach______a meal.为什么填of; after?主要问a way of doing和a way to do区别. the way to do sth与the way doing sth和the way of doing sth的区别 the way to do sth和the way doing sth是什么意思 on 可以用于将来时态吗,如:He will arrive at 10 clock on the night of June 10th. on saturday night还是at saturday night,为什么? Does the elephant live in India?Does the elephat live in China (合成一句)Lucy is an American girl.(改为同义句)Lucy____ from____. 英语翻译 documents to be presented outside L/C within 30 days after B/L 求大神帮忙写作文,五月是丰收的季节 What was wrong with one of the writer's friends?的中文意思 _____was your first friend_____?He was well-behaved.A.What;like B.How;like C.What;\ D.How;study 成为领袖、leader需要什么样的素质,怎么样去得到马甲. 丰收大烩菜是什么菜系 丰收大杂烩是什么地方的菜 五谷丰登这菜怎么做? 大地丰收是那个地方的菜? love isthe key toopen the gate of hap pin to open 分开的, 用适当的介词或副词填空 1.——Have you ever seen the boy _____?——No,it's my first time to meet him.2.He thought _____ those old days as he opened the old photo ablum. 英语介词填空 The man ____ a book in his hand is my father .