
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:27:25
完形填空 We should go quickly!there is a strom ( ).a.to come b.came c.coming She seems happy with the new job.同义句!改为She ()()()()with the new job. She seems to be happy同义句She seems( )没空一词 怎么做英语阅读 i am angry with you 谁能帮我分析一下with you在这个句子里的成分呢? “I don't want to leave with you angry at me.”请帮忙解析下这句话的语法.leave with sb adj at sb. 设P是素数,证明:对任意的正整数a,p|a^p-a. “有一个角对应相等的等腰三角形相似”这个命题正确吗 指出下面命题的条件和结论,并判断命题的真假,如果是假命题,请举出反例:如果等腰三角形的两条边长为5和7,那么这个等腰三角形的周长为17. 有一个角对应相等的两个等腰三角形是相似三角形 是真命题吗? U don't have to believe in God to believe 怎么翻译 Can有2个时态 命题 ∶三边对应相等的两个三角形全等 ,的题设是【 】,结论是【 命题“三边对应成比例的两个三角形相似”,它的条件是(            ) 结论是(    ) 哪一首儿歌开头和化石吟相似 你拍一我拍一的儿歌 "你拍一我拍一儿歌"和益虫有关的.』 can后能接几个动词我知道如果用and的话,可以接很多个动词,比如i can sing and dance and swim.假如不用and连接,只用逗号,can后面能接几个动词?还是和刚才一样能接很多动词原形?又或者第二个动词开 your name ,please这个句子是问姓的还是名字的? can后面接什么动词?用在一般过去式的,只考虑后面的动词 can后能接ing形式的动词吗can接动词原形,那能接ing形式的动词吗? can是情态动词,表示能,可以 .后接动词的什么 —Please s_____ your name.—M - A - R - Y. 命题“三角形的一个外角等于和它不相邻的两个内角夫人和”的条件是( )结论是( )谢谢拉 谁能帮我算一下我的命运如何?我的阳历是1997.11.27,农历是丁丑年十月廿八日辰时,我叫李峰,请帮我算一下, can I ____ your name,please? 根据首字母完成句子 Half an hour is thirty m _____. Tirty m____ is half an hour.应填什么啊? He o___ the old man because he didn't know the custom there.首字母填空 七年级轻松快乐过暑假l练习十五my dog can do lots of things.she can c...a ladder,When s……my dog can do lots of things.she can c.a ladder,When she was very small,she c. not run fast. Now,she loves to run up hills.i think she can be on 根据首字母填空My dog can do lots of things.she can c___后面还有等等是暑假作业上的知道的速度! My dog can do lots of c____ things.Please help me.Thank you!