
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:45:37
求函数f(x)=x2+3x+3/x+1的值域.若上例中x∈{0,1},则函数的值域又是什么? 函数f(x)=(x2-3x)/(x+1),x∈[0,5],求值域 已知函数f(x)=x2+3x/x+1,求函数的值域f(x)=(x2+3x)/(x+1),貌似发错了 如图,正比例函数y=kx(k≠0)经过点A(2,4),AB⊥X轴于点B.1、求该正比例函数的解析式2、将三角形ABO绕点A逆时针旋转90度得到三角形ADC,写出点C的坐标,试判断点C是否在直线Y=三分之一x的图像上,并说 求函数f(x)=x+√(x^2-3x+2)的值域 Tom isn't good at English.(改为同义句) Tom doesn't do ____ ____ English.填什么?Why? 如图,正比例函数y=kx+b(k≠0)经过点A(2,4),AB⊥x轴于点B如图,正比例函数y=kx(k≠0)经过点A(2,4),AB⊥X轴于点B.1、求该正比例函数的解析式2、将三角形ABO绕点A逆时针旋转90度得到三角形ADC,写出点C的 ---Tom doesn't like English.---________________(的确如此)怎么填啊?能用Neither he does.吗还是用So he does啊 Tom did well in Maths and English还有造个同义句 注意:Tom和Maths and English不变 修车店的英文是什么? Tom speaks English.(改为一般疑问句) (2x+2)x+(2x+2)+x=592 解方程 I like maths and he likes maths,too.和I like maths and he like maths,too.What is you favourite sport?和What is your favourite sport? 1 He likes english and maths.改一般疑问句 2 Does your father like sport?做肯定回答3 I have some books in my backpack.该否定句4 his family are from Japan.对JAPAN提问5 the little boy goes to school at 7:30.对AT 7:30提问 改同义句:l like English.He likes English,too.l like English,----- ---- ----.he does too行吗?风唱梵音 2x+20=52怎么做 16x-271=3(5-2x) 16x-271=3(5-2x) 百度知道要检验 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空The hospital is——than the school(near)Which radio costs the——(little)He has made——mistakes than you have(few) I think that this hostel is——than that one(nice)He is the—— Limei likes English evry much,but I am very good _a____ maths.Running is _m___ boring than playinLimei likes English evry much,but I am very good _a____ maths.Running is _m___ boring than playing basketball.Playing football in the street is very _d__ Henry likes English m______ better than maths. he ()()()maths than English.与英语相比较,他更擅长数学.怎么填,一个空一个词 已知正比例函数y=kx的图象经过点A(k,2k)求K的值 连词成句:a,He,football,is,player,. 英语 连词成句:1.is,fantastic,football,player,Daming(.)2.dogs,about,programme,there's,a(.)3.chicks,eat,these,can't(.)4.I'll,up,get,half,seven,past,at(.)5.do,exercise,you,do,morning,every(?)6.like,Lingling,skipping,with,I(.)7.is,it,what,time,now( 连词成句.(1)Tim,is,English,that,teacher,and,Tom's(?) 已知正比例函数y=kx的图像与反比例函数y=5-k /x的图像有一个交点的横坐标是21.求两个函数的交点坐标2.若点a【x1,y1】b【x2,y2】是反比例函数y=5-k/x图像上的两点,且x1<x2 比较y1 y2的大小快谢谢 解方程2x^4-13x^2+15=0 解方程:2√2x=-√24 Tom is _____ at English,but he does do ____ in Chinese.(good) Ben is good at English and Chinese.(对English and Chinese提问)----- ----- is Ben good at 前面两个空填什么? 已知正比例函数y=kx的图像与反比例函数y=k-3/x的图像的一个交点的横坐标为2,试求这个交点的坐标