
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:27:05
茂的组词有哪些 _____everyone is here,Let's begin our party.应该填什么呢?after ,before,for 还是since?why? Everyone are here .We can begin our class.改错,我急用,大叔大姐,哥哥姐姐,帅哥美眉,OK? Eat,have fun and learn in Watertown.全文翻译 Eat,have fun and learn in Watertown! Eat,have fun and learn in Watertown!翻译 My mother goes shopping on Sunday.改写成就划线部分提问怎么写 The little boy aiways goes to the park on Sunday.对划线部门提问 对goes to the park 提问 on sunday my father often goes fishing (对划线句子提问) 巧答成语怎么写? 巧填成语 ( ) everyone is here ,let us begin our class.A .Since B .For C .Because D.As 茂的组词 茂怎么组词 某火车站的自动扶梯在1min内可以把站在扶梯上的人送到楼上去.如果扶梯不动,人从扶梯走上去需1.5min,那么人按原来的速度沿开动的扶梯走上去需---min 1.贝贝看了一本450页的安徒生童话 她第一天看了2/15 第二天看了1/30.还剩多少页没看?2.一项工程计划投资44万元 实际节约1/11 实际投资多少万元?节约投资多少万元?3.体育课上,同学围城三个同 贝贝看一本450页的《安徒生童话》,她第一天看了2/15,第二天看了1/30.两天中哪一天看的多,多多少? 用am/is/are going to do填空 1.—Who ________ (have) a piano lesson on the用am/is/are going to do填空 1.—Who ________ (have) a piano lesson on the weekend?2.My mother and I ________(do) some shopping next Sunday.3.—What ________ you _______ YOU did a good job in this term .congratulations.come on thank you是什么意思 He must look after his mother at home today .He ____ ______take _____ _____his mother at home today . 为什么星星总是一闪一闪的? ______ did he come here for just now?A.Why B.What C.How D.Where 天上的星星为什么总是一闪一闪的 为什么有的天上的星星总是一闪一闪的?地球外面有一层厚厚的空气,这厚厚的一层温度和密度不断改变的空气层会使通过它的光线发生多次折射,这样,星星发射的光在传到 have a nice day的中文意思 what do you usually have for lunch?tomato soup.I usually______three times 填空I usually ________three times a week They would come and live___her house and have meals.空白处应填什么介词?A.of b.to c.in d.by 动词填空:When you come to visit Wuxi,you can live in my house.We have a room______(spare).spare,就是不明白为什么, Miss Lin decided to help Mary as she f______ sorry for her. 广场四周鲜红的红旗迎风飘扬(修改病句) 修改病句:广场四周鲜红的红旗随风飘扬.