
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 04:46:34
The train_____(leave) in five minites.用括号中单词的正确形式填空 1.The 8:30 commuter train ____ in five minutes.A.leaves B.leave C.will leave D.has left2.( He made a suggestion that the new electronic instrument _____ at once.A.will be testedB.would be tested C.should test D.should be tested3.She was so unwilling She got married last year.是一般过去时吗,那名子成分怎么划分got是动词过去式,那么married 是adj.,还是动词的过去式呢? Last year she( )a bad boy.A.married married to C.married with如何选 We hope to _____ the road next year.( widen) I can sweep the floor. (对划线部分提问) 划线的是sweep the floor. He____can sweep the floor.can前面加什么? Amy can sweep the floor.怎样提问 英语卷I cen sweep the floor划线句子提问?(在sweep the floor下面提问) Sweep the The train is starting ___A__five minutes.A in B at C for D still 为什么选A,考点是什么 The train is starting ---- twenty minutes.中间的空填什么? C.since D.until 静儿我真的好爱你 不愿意失去你 很想自私的拥有你一辈子 翻译成英文麻烦把上面那段话翻译成英文 谢谢了 熊是保护动物吗熊是国家保护动物吗,是几级的?=我哦 皖熊是国家保护动物吗?我在"新旺角"酒店的门边发现有皖熊被关在笼子里.我是不是应该举报他?谁能提供我举报电话. 北极熊是国家几级保护动物?要快!要准确 How does your mother go to work 中文是什么 I’ve read another essay this week.— Well,maybe _______ is not how much you read but what you—I’ve read another essay this week.— Well,maybe _______ is not how much you read but what you read that matters.A.this\x05\x05B.that\x05\x05C.there\ 康有为、梁启超、谭嗣同、严复的思想和活动 被康有为称为“中国西学第一人”的是( )A.梁启超 B.谭嗣同C.康广仁 D.严复 1.在我国首先传播“三权分立”思想的是( ) A.康有为 B.梁启超 C.谭嗣同 D.严复 甘为维新变法流血牺牲的人是 A.康有为 B.梁启超 C.严复 D.谭嗣同 在1898年9月“百日维新”失败后被迫流亡国外的维新派代表人物是A康有为B梁启超C谭嗣同D严复 Have a have a fun和have fun的区别 have a fun 与 have funs 的区别 我的名字“健辉”拼英文名(近音)?还有哪个英文跟拼音cai相近呢? It is not how much you read but___you read ___counts.A.that;that B.that;what C.what;that D.which;what并说明理由谢谢 英语两句合并一句 The man was in France last week.We were in France last week,too.(SO) The rich man _____(murder) last night lives in American Mr Wang was not find work in France last year 这句话对吗? 梁启超,孙中山,李鸿章的思想或主张分别付诸了怎样的行动