
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:12:14
求解次定积分 求解此定积分 Toyota has already apologized for the recall of more than 8 million cars over faulty gas pedals and floor mats.请问句中的over如何理解?1.词性2.含义3.可替换词 It has already been downloaded more than 6million time from the apple store whereis your mother she is ____ my____ a.at uncle b.at uncle's c.in uncle's d.in uncles'说明原因 The students were watching a running race in the morning.这句话对吗若不对 该如何改 what is the longest running race in the Olympic games? 英语翻译问一个日本姓氏:共两个字,第一个字是由 ‘系’‘交’和繁体‘页’构成,另一个由‘系’‘吉’和繁体‘页’组成.如果有知道的,麻烦告诉我一声, 不朽的英语eternal 和immortal区别 谁能告诉我bug's life的简短的英语影评80字左右 经典一些的 有谁知道这首英文歌曲的意思呢?MY Immortal Evanescence我想知道这首歌的歌词能帮我把英文翻译成汉语吗? what do you think about making a living的中文意思 That's great.Can I ____ it now? 跪求英语泛读教程第三版2的答案? 谁有由刘乃银主编的英语泛读教程第二版3的课后答案?特别是第三单元Bursting the Magic Bubble. A:where do you come from .please ? B:guess !A:where do you come from .please ? B:guess ! A:you come from Guangzhou .don't you ? B:yes I do .____(1)_ 急 1.It is great s__ to hear that he failed in exam it is great that for him 这句话对不对? 哪里有英语泛读教程第二版3的答案? 神童李政道的答案 管窥李政道的阅读答案,1、本文主要写了与李政道有关的哪几件事?2、本文主要写李政道,为什么开篇却写到了喜剧大师卓别林的理发观呢?3、从文中所写的几件小事看李政道有着什么样的精神 我想要蔡旻佑 - 我可以歌词 的英语翻译如题,我要地道的翻译.谢谢!我要英语的翻译!!谢谢。 如图AD,BE,CF是△ABC的三条中线,它们交于G,求证:(1)DO=1/3AD,EO=1/3BE,FO=1/3CF(2)以AD,BE,CF为边围成的三角形的面积是△ABC的面积的3/4 lend sth to sb是不是等于 lend sb sth 有什么区别 MATLAB中,我要把两个数组的曲线画在同一个XY坐标轴上以数组下标为横坐标,以数组元素的值为纵坐标.并且一个用*表示,一个用虚线(--)表示,请问程序要怎么写?比如数组一个是a1,一个是a2 我在MATLAB中输入了实验数据和一条拟合曲线,如何对比拟合曲线相对于真实数据的精确度?程序如clear;clc;%%%实验数据点x=[12,26,38,120,382,436,1266,11870,76120];y=[0.04419,0.03343,0.02762,0.01936,0.01484,0.01031,0.00 matlab中当参数取不同值时,让几条曲线出现在同一坐标轴中clc;clear all;syms c;syms c0;m=2*pi*1.46*(1/c-1/c0)+2*pi*1*10^(-4)/c;k=1*10^(-4)*pi/c;R=(sinh(((1*10^4*k)^2-(1*10^4*m)^2)^(1/2)))^2/((cosh(((1*10^4*k)^2-(1*10^4*m)^2)^(1/2))) I‘m very happy to find the my hometown is different from _____need to be.A that B what C how Dwhich 这题选B请解释为什么选B而不选别的(谢谢) VC++6.#include void main(){printf("abc");}一个简单输出,然后运行,瞬间显示了abc然后就自动关闭了,错误提示如下:Loaded 'ntdll.dll',no matching symbolic information found.Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll',no matching you ( )thetraffic rules when you travel in a foreign country是选 A:don't have to know B:must know C:may not know 选哪个 when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country.本句出自新概念第三册41课.请问本句话中的1.the thousands是什么意思?难道是指数以千计的人吗?2.这句话中的tucked是什么 _______ she took a walk in the park,she found a very strange thing.A.As B.while 为什么选A不选B