
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 16:44:22
棕色的英文单词是什么? He told me that he had broken that plate.这句话中that可不可以省略,请告诉我that省略的规律,如果不可以为什么 he say that he had broken that plate 她说她过去已经打破了盘子 还有一个间接引语 "I broke that plate"he said 用 He is said 和 It is said that 造句~要正确的语法~说明中文意思 语法:It is said that ____ was all ___ he said.两个空全部填that为什么呢 黄色的英语单词怎么念 地理中的角速度和线速度怎么算 形容自己不会骗人的词词语 句子 用什么词形容自己? 喜欢一个人,可惜他一直不明白你心意 形容这种情况的诗句 “自己推荐自己”,用词怎么形容? 将英语单词翻译(太…不能) (延迟)(长大) (一副) (长得像) the parents are very strict with their children,so are teachers in school这句话为什么不能用so do呢,即:the parents are very strict with their children,so do teachers in school The police said they_____(remind) young parents not to let their children go out alonein the newspapers the next day. parents leave their children alone.是不是有语法错误? it's very important for parents to be there for their children为什么翻译成“对孩子们来说,他们的父母在那儿是非常重要的”而不是“对父母来说,为了孩子们在那儿是非常重要的”?这里的两个for应怎样 parents should let their children do that they should do alone 短文改错 英语,用黄色方框的词填空 有一个棱长是4dm的正方体木块,要把这个木块锯成棱长1dm的小正方体,需锯多少次? 一个棱长是5dm的正方体木木块,木块的每一面都涂上红色,然后将木块锯成若干个棱长是1dm的下哦正方体1,这些小正方体中一面涂红色的有几个?2,这些小正方体中两面涂红色的有几个? 把一个棱长1dm的正方体锯成125个大小一样的小正方体,每个小正方体的体积是多少?如果把这些小正方形摆成一排,长多少米,dm是分米 The Spring Festival is a very big_____(庆祝活动)for many people in China.A child with_____(教育)knows how to speak,write and read well.Children have some_____(特殊的)bags.These bags are in the_____(形状)of_____(长袜). Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at schiool. Some children want to learn a language different from___their parents speak at home.为什么不能填that,some children want to learn a language different from that (that) their parents speak at home. We think it's important that all children learn to read and write的意思 单音节的女生英文名请标音标 英文名,单音节的女生英文名 Many families____ children for doing some hosework so that they can learn how make money for their own use.A ask B pay 选哪个?为什么? three attempts to break the deadlock during the first world waressay Many families make many _____ rules.A.familiesMany families make many _____ rules.A.families B.family's C.familys D.family when did the world war break out?