
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 01:36:30
Our plane is flying to Beijing at ten o'clock tonight.为什么是is flying?用flying为什么不对? 英文翻译:我们在这个问题上的意见是一致的.We_____ _____the question I had the good ___ to be chosen for a trip abroad.选项:a、propertyb、estatec、wealthd、fortune Treasure的《Treasure》 歌词 Look!The boys and girls_____over there.1.play games2.playing games3.are playing games4.plays game treasure怎么读音标 treasure该怎么读?该念/tre shuer/还是念/tre zhe/?应该念/tre zhe/,还是/tre zher/? hidden怎么读? I think it was a question of who yelled the loudest怎么翻译 Will those--the children from abroad come to the headmaster's office?Awho teaching Bteaching Cteach Dwho teaches答案为B能说一说为什么吗? We will punish the drivers without the driving license and those take too mang children这句话什么意思 Will all those ________ the proposal raise their hands?A) in relation to B) in contrast to C) in eWill all those ________ the proposal raise their hands?A) in relation toB) in contrast toC) in excess ofD) in favor of Will those ______ the children from abroad come to the headmaster's office?A.teaching B.teach C.who teaches D.who teaching选A 是因为做定语 且表主动 所以用现在分词吗 BURIED TREASURE怎么样 到底是The treasure was buried under the bed 还是The treasure is buried under the bed. Then she saw that two others girls were also wearing the one like hers,and she felt like a trendfollower. That was the Seeker after Buried Treasure. i'm looking forward to ___(居住)in the new flat填什么? move to a new flat还是move into a new flat? move to a new We have chosen him to be the host of a charity show.(改为被动语态)He ___ _____ ____to be the hosr of a charity show. Who was chosen to be the host by them?改成主动语态 关于《刻舟求剑》解释下面句子的加点词.从其()所契者() 遽()契()其()舟 是()吾剑之()所坠 而()剑不行“求剑若此,不亦惑乎”的意思?在这则寓言中,楚人的思维方法错在 动词适当形式:Sometime I _____(chosen)to be host of the class meeting,请告知理由,谢 刻舟求剑作者简介,简洁,拜托快 ,我今天的作业 《刻舟求剑》告诉我们什么 刻舟求剑的故事 刻舟求剑楚人涉江者,其剑自舟坠于水,遽契其舟,曰:“是吾剑之所从坠.”舟止,从其所契者入水求之.舟已行矣,而剑不行,求剑若此,不亦惑乎!1、联系上下文,理解文中加点字的意思.其:求:若 翻译:we've got to find the treasure.listen,you go this way and you o that way!hey! 英语翻译整句又怎么翻,目前觉得是:他点点头,惊讶地发现这个陌生人是他以前所没有见过的类型.猜的, 长L=80cm的细绳上端固定,下端系一个质量m=100g的小球.将小球拉起至细绳与竖直方向成60?角的位置,然后无初速释放.不计各处阻力,求小球通过最低点时,细绳对小球拉力多大?(取g=10m/s2)要有 如图所示,两条长度L=50cm的细线,一端固定于O点,另一端分别系一质点m=0.1g的小球A如图所示,两条长度L=50cm的细线,一端固定于O点,另一端分别系一质点m=0.1g的小球A、B两小球带电量相同.OA被绝