
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:17:20
谁能告诉我IQ和EQ的区别是什么?谢谢! Is the schoolbag you bought yesterday____in chlour to mine.A.familiar B.same C.resemble D.similar 人类智商怎么测定 人类的智商真的可以测吗?首先这不是理论的问题,所以把你的满腹经纶放一边我只是觉得根本人类在自己设限,因为被测出的“天才”实际是个废物白痴大有所在那些出题肯定不是一人二人出 人类智能是什么样的,我非人类很想了解 人类的大脑到底有多少潜能?我18岁,还能开发智商吗?怎么开发? he_____(borrow)some money from me if he _____(not have)money. --- Can I borrow money from you?--- Sorry,I don't have ¬选项A.some,any B.any,some C.some,some D.any,any .这题应该选A, Could I borrow some money from yeerou I have -------.-------Ok,here is 100 yuan.yeerou打错了,应该是you .This is _____ as the one you bought yesterday.This is _____ as the one you bought yesterday.A.such a good pen B.as a good pen C.so a good pen D.as good a pe Is this the only gift ( ) was bought for you yesterday? If you don't have any money,I can ___ some to you.A.borrow B.lend C.buy D.take Have you any money with you I need some badly Sorry ,but ( )A.not b .nothing c.none d.quite a little 老子23岁那年第一次去医院测了智商,老子的智商是160.三年后,老子第二次测智商,老子的智商竟高达278!世界上被公认智商最高的就是爱因斯坦,他的智商为278.278被认为是智商的极限这一切是真 智商在医院测吗 有专门的机构吗 This is a dictionary ___ you.(填写一个单词) This is dictionary_____you 空白怎么填 This is a dictionary (作否定回答 Is this a dictionary?A,B,C选一个A:Yes,this is B:Yes,it is C:No,this isn't/ ()- Sonia.Is this your dictionary?A.Sorry B.Yes C.Thank you D.No麻烦快速给出答案,在10月4号前 在一个三角形中,两个内角的和等于第三个内角,这是一个( )三角形.A.钝角 B.锐角 C.直角 I want to buy ()banans,I do not have ()money with me.a:some.some.b:some,any.c:any,some.d:any,any. 鲁迅读书的故事最好要长一点,非常急, 鲁迅读书的故事有什么 Could you help me buy some drinks?Sorry,I can't.____,I don't have money.a:Butb:andc:ord:\正确答案是A,但不知道为什么.请各位大虾指教! _Can you give me some water?_Sorry,only have_____ A a little B.much 关于珍惜友谊的快要和同学分散了,我想写一篇关于珍惜友谊的作文,请给我起个有诗意的题目 取个关于友谊的作文题目最近三明市比赛作文,是发现什么的美,我想写友谊的,老师说题目自拟,你们帮我取取看,好的话,在加20! 关于鲁迅的读书故事多吗? 同义句:Tom bought a pen yesterday. Jack bought a pen yesterday,too.Tome bought a pen yesterday.___ __Jack.()I believe Shanghai is ___most beautiful city in China.A.the second B.second C.a secong D.the first this the coat he is which bought yesterday怎么组成一句话? Tom's coat isn't like Mike's coat.同义句转换为Tom's coat( )( )( )Mike's coat.There are more students in Class 2 than in Class 1.改为There are( )students in Class 1( )in Class 2.