
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:45:46
I like to have a friend.He is cleverer than me.(改为复合句) 【在线等】what does american identity now entail?的意思是什么? Chinese American should preserve their Chinese identity是什么意思?我周二要做辩论 辩题如上 我要说的是反方!可是连Chinese identity的概念都不是很了解! 英语翻译要写一篇文章但是不懂entail在这句话里的含义.拒绝网上翻译机.请人工翻译~ “我一生问心无愧.”邓小平说的这句话是什么意思?3Q是为了改革社会主义制度不顾别人的反对的吗? When did the English settlers in North America colonies get their independence?用英文回答 请英语高手帮我听一首歌的歌词,歌曲名字叫Plenty Green Fields,感激不尽非常好听的一首歌,百度不让贴上链接,歌曲名字叫Plenty Green Fields,演唱者是Ygdrassil,所属专辑是Easy Sunrise ,百度搜Plenty Green Fi Is there ______ about this TV play?A.something new B.anything new C.new something D.new anything He came late to school.这也能表示上学迟到? Where do want to see in Inner Mongolia? I want to visit my uncle.改成同义句I ______ ______ to my uncle. He is late ____ school__ ___ ___ 他上课总是迟到 怎么写?He is late ____ school__ ___ ___ 他上课总是迟到 怎么写? 为什么上学迟到是late for school? you make me feel so disappointing.帮我下 Thanks for listening用汉语怎么写?Thanks for listening(after the presentation)用汉语怎么写?如果你觉得把这个句只译到汉语是奇怪的(话的气氛奇怪)就对我说更简单的表现. 文章《thanks for listening》的翻译 上学不要迟到能不能这样写Don't late for going to school Teachers don't ___ ___ ___ ___ late for school老师不想让我们迟到 根据不同要求填句子1.表示条件:你去,我_________________________去.2.表示因果:你去,_________________________我去.3.表示假设:你去,我_________________________去.4.表示转折:你去,我_________________________去.5 I could find my birthplace beacuse of the old photo.的同义句 find out the clothes that are very old 有语病吗 Africans are used to hot c____答案 如右图空白部分的面积是24平方厘米,阴影部分A的面积是5平方厘米,那么阴影部分B的面积是()平方厘米? 描写神态的词语有哪些 上右图的买个小正方形面积为1平方厘米,阴影部分面积是()平方厘米,空白部分与阴影部分面积的之比为 两张A4纸拼起来 Be careful to drive ___the corner. 表示心情的词语例,兴高采烈,还有什么?至少三个 BTW=by the way,PS呢?PS大概也=BTW,大概是顺便说一句的意思,具体呢?是不是必须写做p.s.而不能是PS或者ps? in a way,at a way ,on a way ,by a way 个区别 by the way of by the way都有这2个词组吗? Are you used to getting up early的另一种翻译