
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:14:46
the doctor ( operate) on five patients since 3 p.m.yesterday 这个空应该如何填啊/ we ——(work) from two to four yesterday afternoon. yesterday afternoon前要不要on?如题. 巧填国名蒙 () ()()西 () ()()()加 () ()要求横竖都是国名 翻译 but most especially if they are the last words we say to or hear from those love 全国人大常委会义务教育法执法检查组开产执法检查是全国人民代表大会的职权吗RT SIGIRIYA WORLD HERITAGE SITE怎么样 nature heritage 狮身人面像的“师身”和“人面”都代表了什么? Sterkfontein caves,a world heritage site,are 50km northwest of Johannesburg and are worth visitingbecause there are 2.6 million-year-old bones of hominid man on the world heritage list,a____ there are about 900 world heritage sites. THE L WORLD 这部片~最好有剧情噢 The climate can have a big effect on world heritage items of natural heritage.翻译要通顺的一句话 帮我介绍一下heal the world 含有山字的诗句,并标明作者,兄弟姐妹! I urged him ( )because the road was dangerous.B.to be carefulC.being careful但我选C,求讲解. 全国人大 审议并表决通过《纲要》的原因是是什么 蒙什么 西什么 加什么 写国名无论横、竖读,都是国名它是一个表格,如:蒙 什么(填)什么(填)西什么(填)加什么 狮身人面像是谁的脸? moral moral duty和obligation有什么不同? moral cultur是什么意思 moral hypocrisy是什么意思 把这句话的句子成分(仔细点啊)划出来,从句找出来说明是什么从句并说明原因,It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes How can you possibly miss the news?It --(be)on TV all day long 已知y+5与x成正比例,当x=-3时,y=-11.(1)求y关于x的函数关系式,求此函数的函数关系式,(2)求此函数的图象与x轴,y轴围成的三角形的面积,(3)当-1 All of us enjoy shopping and travelling,so we'd like to stay at a hotel called Pickwick in themiddle of the town.翻译成汉语. We need a good hotel _the town.Ato stay in Bstaying in in Cto stay of in Dto stay in in选择 Which hotel I should stay in L.A.I'm planning to travel to L.A.U.S.for about 10 days.I plan to join local tour for 7 days and travel by myself for 3-4 days.1.Please suggest which hotel I should stay,so that I can join the tour easily and can travel a 一个英文单词发音叫 “card 没 tion”是什么谢谢! 《海洋法公约》关于毗邻的规定,是指从领海基线算起不超过多少海里 小学语文:填写人体部位名称 例题:(手腕)——手段()——亲信 ()——男子 ()——领袖 ()——条理层次 乌拉尔山和乌拉尔河两侧的大洲是什么?