
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:38:04
英语语法 Please allow me to introduce myself for you 检查Please allow me to introduce myself for you.My name is xx,my 20-year-old,was born in Qinghai Province.Very honored to have this opportunity to come here to interview.Now I will briefly in 有的演讲稿或议论文吗?急用 Please allow me to do a briefly introduce myself to you.邀请Meinteil回答.我疑似这句话有语病,应为:introduce是动词.请说明它有或无的原因即可! May I have you attentions,please!Now ,let me introduce myself to you. 演讲稿 什么才是真正的美 Dear Mr./ Ms.,First of all,let me introduce myself to you.We Shanghai Desheng Mico Co.,ltd.a there will be chat show on TV为什么不是there will be a chat show on TV 连词成句:TV is show dogs a there about 影响植物开花的非生物因素是什么? My uncle’s daughter is my ______.A.sisterB.auntC.cousinD.brother—When is your birthday,Mike?—My birthday is _____June.A.inB.onC.at—Is he taking pictures?— .A.Yes,he isB.No,it isn’t C.Yes,it isGive me orange,please.I want big orange.A.an,a 桃花最鲜艳的部分叫什么? A雄蕊 B雌蕊 C花冠 D花萼 赏花时最吸引人的是A花萼 B花冠 C雄蕊 D雌蕊 20.Please_____ me to introduce my sister to you.A.giveB.haveC.allowD.ask 这句英语用中文怎么说Now you are Betty.Please introduce your school to us. 影响开花的外界条件是 植物开花主要受什么影响,结果主要受什么影响一个问题只能有一个答案,所以要最主要那样受光照影响?那样受温度影响? 路虎极光用的是什么发动机路虎一般很少用自己的发动机,请问极光用的那个厂家的发动机 game,be,watching,TV,is ,a,on,basketball连词成句be打错了,应该是he 男的他 关于自省及自律的作文1000字 有关"自律和他律"的作文, My grandpa likes watching game ( )节目on My grandpa likes watching game ( )节目on TV John ____ that his friends were watching a football game on TV.题中空格处填什么单词呀? 自律与他律辩论词 Lily can ____all kinds of things 急!A does B do C did D doing 哪些花是花序 花的形状又叫什么花序 菊花是花还是花序 什么花是花序? 花序就是花吗? 红花和蓝花共38朵,蓝花和黄花共26朵,黄花和红花共30朵.黄花有几朵?红花有几朵?蓝花有几朵? 以“等待春天”为题写一篇不少于800字的文章 以“等待春天”为题,写一篇800字作文拜托各位了 3Q