
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:53:15
观沧海中jiao dai guan hai di dian de shi ju 口字里面有个表字是什么字? 走之旁里有个占念什么字 Mr Wang never get up so early,____?A.does he B.doesn't he C.doesn't Mr Wang Uncle Wang always gets up early.(got up;late;over the weekend) Because i was too young to write 同义句they couldn‘t —— that such young children could play so beautifully. There things can make you cry.(6个单词,第3个字母是i) what things can yuo make?怎么回答 是the resd book还是the reading book? 通过秦末和隋末的农民战争可看出农民起义对历史发展的推动主要作用在何处?A改变了封建社会阶级统治力量对比B消灭了大批地主官僚C迫使统治阶级调整统治政策D实现了改朝换代请 说出缘 对there be 句型的详解 1在句中主语是什么 2在定语从句及状语从句中的用法 3 好像有 there be 不清楚用法 feel可用于被动语态吗 Mr.Li is writing a book on( )trees.A.to protect B.protecting C.protects D.protected 要说明理由 i feel terrible 改被动语态! 非谓语从句还原定语从句.On receiving a phone call from his wife saying she had a fall,Mr.Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.所有的非谓语从句都能还原成定语从句吗? book writen by Mr.Wang______easily.Atells Breads Cis read Dis reading 怎么把定语从句改为非谓语从句 用深不可测造句 《菊与刀》一书中作者是从哪些方面得出“日本会投降”这一结论?结论与前面所讲的耻感文化矛盾吗? 如何撇去浮沫 炖汤时撇去的浮沫对人体有害吗?一直喜欢给家人炖营养美味的骨头汤,每次都是洗干净了,先用大火烧开,撇去浮沫,再改用小火慢慢炖.最近也想给狗狗换换口味,让它也吃的营养一点,就买了鸡 糖醋排骨为什么开锅后撇去浮沫、血沫快 i do not 还是i am not i am not i do not 区别i am not agree with youi do not agree with you区别 语法上的区别i am noti do not 用法 还没说呢 I am new here .I do not k___ Lily goal什么意思 乙酸正丁酯的n 20 d 1.3947 life is very short to that whoes'S saving money and not use it! "雷声大"下一句 雷声大,后一句是什么 雷声大的下一句还有寓意9916 雷声大后一句是啥呢?请问!