
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:15:50
please keep the room clean.and don't t_______the waste paper everywhere 隶用部首查字法查什么部首 幽、隶、汲、窥、黧、世.这6个字中,哪两个用音序查字法 哪两个用部首查字法 哪两个用数笔画查字法? I would like to play football.变为否定句 I often clean my room.变为否定句 在室内讲话比在旷野里要响亮分析这一现象 in my heart only have I only have you in my heart是什麽意思?翻译翻译下下~ My heart just have only one I will tell you .My heart only have you 翻译外语 you will always be on my side 什么意思 I’m going to water the flowers theis afternoon.(对画线部分提问)画线部分是(water the flowers)急! I’m going to water the flowers this afternoon.怎么对water the flowers提问 I'm going to water the flowers怎样扩句 英语改同义句应该怎么改?比如说:what s the matter with you? Many sports have one of these打一单词,___l ,单词共4个字母,最后一个字母是"l"The weather is __l_ and windy 单词共4个字母,第3个字母是l DO you want to is my pen friend?哪里错了? 英语翻译What To Wear::She's looking in the mirrorThe moment's getting nearerShe thinks about it as she walks her walkUp and down the staircaseMake up fresh on her faceShe thinks about it as she talks her talkSchool dance,first chanceAlways be what kind of movies _______【do】your father like?_______填什么?说明理由 "菡萏"怎么读 菡萏怎么读 英语翻译mary wants to konw__he__ __the tirp. 这幅漫画的主要内容,拟一个标题五字以内,想对他说什么 英语翻译越快越好 hit sb right between the eyes I grasped his forearms,knowing I only had just seconds to do what I needed to in order to...I grasped his forearms,knowing I only had just seconds to do what I needed to in order to get free.I knew she had never seen us act all intimate before since There is only five years to do what you want ,yea...only five years ,so just do it.这句话语法正确吗?如错了,怎么改? 若把两个不同的灯泡并联在一个完整的电路中,则( )A.两个灯泡的亮度一样B.两只路的电流相同C.其中一个灯泡损坏,另一个不发光D.流经两灯泡的电流之和等于整个并联总电流 He has a box改复数 歇后语春雨飘落在田野上歇后语:春雨飘落在田野上——是什么? 春雨像什么一样洒向田野?写得详细一点,最好能多一点 春雨像什么一样撒向田野 我是一场春雨作文,要有春雨帮助田野或公园或其他地方必须选2个春雨帮助的地方作文