
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:24:25
上网是利大于弊的辩论文马上要.找一下理由.我的观点是利大于弊哟. 英语你怎么了怎么写 怎么了用英语怎么说 暗喻造句用暗喻造2个简单的句子! 以珍爱生命为题的手抄报内容 谁知道有关注意安全.珍爱生命的手抄报啊! 辩论赛:中学生上网利大于弊 要三个 每个十秒 一定要犀利,网上没有的 rat和mouse有什么区别? 这句英文用了什么修辞手法?“The ceiling swam with bright reflections,and sunlight streamed across the dusty,chip-strewn floor.” swim with貌似有充满的意思,我本来觉得是拟人,因为看到个swim,但是不确定是不是. I paid 10 yuan for the book yesterday.( 同义句转换) It __ me 10 yuan __ buy the book yesterday. 地球毁灭的确切时间 什么时候地球毁灭!不知道我能不能看到 英语有什么修辞手法 修辞手法的英文?比喻拟人排比对偶设问反问反复…… 这句用了什么英语修辞手法because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. 还是关于英语的修辞手法1.The Bejing2008 Summer Olympics is being longed for by all Chinese people from as high as state leaders to as country folks like my uncle.2.Of course,every thing has two faces.It gose without saying that the stars en He paid fifty yuan for his trousers同义句两句His trousers _____ ______ fifty yuanHe ______ fifty yuan ______ his trousers 谁能帮我看下这个英语句子用的是什么修辞手法hold fast to the anchor of faith如果有谁会的一定要讲的详细点啊,我这方面比较薄弱! 地球毁灭时间 什么时候地球毁灭111 什么时候地球毁灭啊 does,have,for,his,sister,breakfast,what 连词成句 have,your,ball,soccer,a,sister,does(?) (连词成句) 连词成句:any,have,her,sister,tennis,does not,rackets.have,she,a,basketball,a,has,Lily,does not ,but,baseball.对划线部分提问my brother often piays sports at 2o'clock every day.划线部分:plays sports your sister does a have soccer new ball 连词成句……谢谢了! 怎样快速使英语成绩提升初二结束了,我的英语成绩总是在90至105分.怎样把英语成绩尽快提升在110分以上. Do you have a clock?Are you have a clock?Does yDo you have a clock?Are you have a clock?Does you have a clock? have,Sonia,watch,does,a连词成句 If she had not had an alarm clock,she would have missedthe train.(事实:她有闹钟.)两个HAD 在这里的意义分别是什么 去掉第一个可以么第一个是虚拟语气HAD 还是?THANKS no 后面加可数名词 谓语动词用什么形式 如果no后面加不可数名词谓语动词用什么形式. 选ぶ前的形式名词用no还是koto no 加名词 后面动词用什么形式