
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:54:48
英语选择题13题1.it is often less expensive to buy goods _____a.in huge quantities b.a lot c.in quality d.ad most2.he rushed off,even _____ to take his overcoat.a.forgets b.forgetting c.forgotten d.having forgotten3.the Hubble telescope _____ in 二次函数.y=ax2+bx+c的图像如右图所示,则化简二次根式 的结果是 ( ) A.a+b B.-a-b C a-b+2cD.-a+b-2c 英语选择题13~25 请解释一下记忆诱导公式口诀“奇变偶不变,符号看象限” 二次函数y=ax2+bx=c中,b2=ac且x=0时,y=-4,则y最大=—4,为什么 关于英语的选择题(14)This house ,______ I live ,now needs a lot of repair work .A.whichB.thatC.in thatD.in which 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的值永远恒为负值的条件为什么是a 英语翻译41道初2英语单项选择题求翻译和解析 、1、___B__ is better than to receive.A、To give B Give C、Have given 2、He wanted ___A___ an inventorA、to be B、being C、is3、I prefer___B___his new idea.A、tey out B、to try o 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的值永远为负值的条件a 0,b2-4ac 0 已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a不等于0),判断8a+c>0还是 英语初中选择题英语初中选择题英语初中选择题 需要1-14题答案第四题选择A为什么不行,我不喜欢面包。如果我非常饿,我不会吃,语义翻译也没有问题啊。为什么非要选unless而且unless本身 奇变偶不变, 奇变偶不变,符号看象限 什么意思 已知二次函数y=x²-x+m,若抛物线与y轴交于点A,作AB平行于x轴交抛物线于另一点B,当S△AOB=4时,求此二次函数的关系式 "奇变偶不变,符号看象限;这句话怎么理解啊! (奇变偶不变, 奇变偶不变,符号看象限 具体是什么意思 比如sin(3/2 兀-a) 已知二次函数y=x2+mx+m-5,求证①不论m取何值时,抛物线总与x轴有两个交点,具体问题进来看. 13题1.......2.______ from the sky,Xiamen looks like a beautiful garden.a.see b.seen c.seeing d.to see3.Do not ____ to ask me if anything is not clear to you.a.doubt b.mind c.hesitate d.worry.4.It is yesterday _____ she began to know something about 已知二次函数 Y=X^+mx-5,求证不论m取何值,抛物线总与X轴有两个交点 有关三角函数的诱导公式什么叫π/2的倍数的奇偶,什么叫奇变偶不变 三角函数里为什么~奇变偶不变~ 16.已知二次函数y=x2-(m-3)x-m的图象是抛物线,如图2-8-10. (1)试求m为何值时,抛物线与x轴的两 已知关于x的二次函数y=(m-1)x2+m2-1的图像经过(0,3),且抛物线开口向下.(1)求m的值;(2)求此抛物线与x轴的两交点的距离.现在就要, 31:Earth is a rocky planet _______Liquid water,which is necessary for life,can existA:as B:when C:which D:where32:I would appreciate_______if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say “helle” to herA:that B:it C:you D:her33:That sort of a 解决下10道英语选择题...11 I really enjoy going to parties.How about you?______________________________________.选项:a、I like watching TV.b、No,he won’t go with us.c、Let’s go swimming.d、So do I------------------------------------ 11:The trip has ______ his memory of his childhood.A:brought about B:brought back C:brought in D:brought forth12:Shenzhou 7,China ’s third manned spaceship,was launched into_______ space accomplishing________ most ambitious and risky task:spacewalk 已知二次函数y=mx^2+(m-3)x-1,问题(2)若抛物线与x轴交于A、B两点,且AB=1,求这条抛物线对应的函数解析 已知二次函数y=mx+(m-3)x-1,问题(2)若抛物线与x轴交于A、B两点,且AB=1,求这条抛物线对应的函数解析 已知二次函数y=x^2-mx+2m-4如果抛物线与x轴相交的两个点一级抛物线的顶点组成一个等边三角形,求其解析式一级换成以及 -What's the TV news______?-The Chinese Team won five gold medals at World Table Tennis Championships.A.at B.across C.about我总觉得怪怪的. All of us found______difficult for us to work out the math problem and it was very nice______him to help us.我知道第一个空应该填"it",第二个空我觉得应该是"for",但是标准答案说第二个空是"of",why?..