
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:04:50
求答案(化简) 两道化简 英语翻译物理实验是中学物理教学过程中的重要环节,本文的目的是笔者通过记录自制的声音驱动转子的实验的过程和体会,并以此来阐述这个物理实验所代表的整个演示物理实验在教学用中 第55页,给张组词的准确点 2011四年级下册暑假作业泉州篇第64面的答案64面全面的答案 四年级下册暑假作业泉州篇第38页的脑筋转转转怎么做 计算定积分∫上限2下限-2被积函数max{1,x^2}谢谢了! 要从6男4女中选出5人参加一项活动,至少1女且至多3男当选的选法有多少种 Lily looks unhappy,itself must have happened to her.大虾们, She pretended ( ) A seeing nothing B to not see anything C not to have seen anythingD that she will see nothing 单项选择 Kate looks unhappy .—She _____ her keys jus单项选择Kate looks unhappy .—She _____ her keys just now.A lose B is losing C lost D loses 陕西商洛怎么样 She go home ____(unhappy)_____里应添什么? he feels unhappy同义句he feels _____ She feels very____ (worry)适当形式填空 she is an unhappy person 意思在某片里看到这样一句,she is an unhappy person,片里翻译为 她是个不简单的人物~觉得这样的确符合上下文的情节,虽然字面意思应该是“她不快乐”这算是美式英语的通俗 第一个字和第三个字、第二个字和第四个字意思相同的成语如走街串巷、甜言蜜语 Everyone is looking forward to the 30th Olympic Games _____in London in 2012填held还是to be held? 7-7分之5 5-7分之5-7分之9=几 x-5÷7=7分之4怎么做 一个双开关控制两个灯原来是一个单开关控制两个灯,两个灯同时亮,我嫌费电,让电工师傅改造了一下,他们让我买了一个双开关,就实现了两个灯的各自亮和灭,我想知道他们是怎么接的线,麻烦 she is unhappy,isn't she?______because he failed in the exam选择A.yes,she is.B no,he isn't原因说明.不是根据事实回答吗?那他是不高兴啊应该A啊 She looked unhappy because she had made _ mistakes in the English test .A.two scores B.scores of C.two scores of D.score of It was Mother's Day,but the young mother was a little unhappy,because she was 800 miles away from her parents.In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day,and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs (丁香) in the gar 如图,已知S是正三角形ABC所在平面外一点,且SA=SB=AC,GC为三角形SAB边AB上的高,D,E,F,分别是AC,SC.SC.的中点,证明 SG平行DEF 图略 求证明! 第五题啥意思,明明五个数,哪个在中间啊 倒数第五个单词是什么意思? 求几个字的读音裼,遣,麈,慝,眚,日,蒯,鳓,晟,日,郐,泐,躅,鲵,鹛,阗,篼,恺,锎,鑫,馨,锝 1.She looks very nice in the m_____2.I like maths and i want a c______ she looks very smart 对very smart提问 ( )does she ( ) ( ) ? 怎么化简