
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:33:40
Mr.Wang's English class is full of a___,every studentlikes his lessons一定要教我应该选什么,为什么?(注:是初一下人教版的新目标第五单元!) Mr.wang's English class is full of a____ ,every students likes his lessons.据上下文及首字母提示补全单词. the birthday massacre 《 Happy Birthday》中文翻译 National Holiday的中文意思是什么谢谢了, They went there for a holiday.对for a holiday提问我急啊·············· vocation与holiday的 【on holiday】【for holiday】【in holiday】【急求】大神告诉我这三者的区别在哪?什么情况下用on\for\in?它们各自的意思有什么区别么? 五一这样的假期用holiday还是vocation? 核舟记的原文及翻译 英语翻译魏学洢的 我要《核舟记》的原文和翻译, 核舟记原文和翻译 初二课文核舟记的几个问题阅读第一段,回答:他用来雕刻的材料大小只有_____,雕刻的种类确有______,而且作品达到了_______的境界,因而作者称他为_______第二段中与"大苏泛赤壁"情景相合的语句 改反义疑问句There is little water in the glass. Please call me after school.改为否定句 完形填空查找:Wang ling ,a middle school girl ,felt angry with her parents aftergetting a boy's 等等,是关于中学生早恋的,孩子是怎样看待的 talk,Mr.Liu,please,school,to,after(.)连词成句 王老师是我校最受欢迎的老师之一.Mr Wang is one of_____ ____ _____ ____ in our school Wang Bing is ill at home,let's __ after school . 怎么培养坚强的意志!怎样培养坚定的信念! 蝴蝶有哪些特点 蝴蝶的特点是什么?(奇特) 如何培养坚强的意志 老师能用Mrs吗?我记得我们老师曾经说过,只要是老师无论已婚未婚最好一律MISS.于是她现在不承认了,我只是想弄清楚,说老师的时候是不是大多是MISS?如果不是,那么她已婚了我还可不可以叫Miss “我们的语文老师——Mrs.wang.非常有趣.”用英语怎么写? we must try our best to make our life more m_ than before填词,急等, think、believe等这一系列词的宾语从句要怎样变反义疑问句 反义疑问句什么叫肯定否定看主语人称时态看从句(例如:I do not think Tom is at home ,is he?) I think the movie is very interesting.(改为疑问句)1.I think the movie is very interesting..(改为疑问句)2.my favorite movie are (comedies).对括号部分提问3.he wants to be a (teacher) .对括号提问.4.i like the sctor, this I things for some need class afternoon 连词成句 关于think引导的从句的反义疑问句怎么做,反义词和反义的主语怎么写(详细, 连词成句:this,I,things,for,some,need,class,afternoon.