
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:18:27
是否有It will won't be long before的句型 英语翻译答案大致是“这将不会太久,他回来了.”和“它不会多久,他回来了.”我想看到不同于以上两种的答案, I'm older than you 的反义疑问句是否既可说aren't I又可说am I not? I can watch TV on weekends.改为一般疑问句和否定句 谁知道这首歌的中文歌词 I'm Gonna Getcha Good!谁知道这首歌 I'm Gonna Getcha Good!的中文歌词 I'm a good student,____ I 英语翻译请在这里概述您的问题不要继续迷恋武打小说,这对你的学习不利Don‘t ___ ___ ___ ___ Kongfu novels.It's bad for your study.He already knows everything about(否定句)He _________ about it yet安装机器之前,你 推荐一些新手用的马克笔品牌种类我想在淘宝上买..但是一下子出来一堆..没啥头绪,但是画画又要用到..偶是业余的拉..不过很想用用马克笔...不知道用什么类型的好..希望推荐一些适合新手 cos∠ABC是神马? My cousin runs faster than my sister and I(保持愿意) My cousin( )( )of us.(保持愿意)My cousin runs faster than my sister and I(保持愿意)My cousin( )( )of us.(保持愿意) he runs faster than-------the other boys in his class.it is five past two in the-----.all the students are outside in the-----.they are having a pe-----.sorry. i am late, mr ma.-----the matter, david? i've -----a headache and i also hurt my right foo He runs faster than the thief改成过去式 说明孙中山对“三权分立”学说是如何发展的 Jack runs faster than me 可以把me换成 I 么. 求哲学上的 轮回 对错 孙中山对“三权分立”学说如何发展的 为什么说孙中山是三权分立啊 女生的英文名,有点神秘的,好听的. 孙中山提出过三权分立吗 忙忙()()成语 选出与I’m fine表示相同意义的句子(可多选)( ) A:I'm well.B:I'm OK.C:I'm good.D:I'm not bad. Are you OK?AYes,I'm right B That's all right C Yes,I'm fine DThanks My father is( )than my mother.1.three years old 2.older three years 3.three years older good fine ok的区别 he looks younger ,but he is older than me -three years.A,since B,for C,about D,by ok ,good,fine的用法和区别很级 My brother is three years than I .A、elder,elder B、older,older C、older,elder D、elder,older good OK fine的用法有什么不同 my sisiter is three years older than _______(l/me)填I 还是填me?为什么? My father is ( ) than my mother. A. three years older B. older three years C. three years old I'm gonna getcha good 歌词翻译 翻译中文 I'M gonna getcha Good