
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:59:06
last的l两个反义词是什么马上就地知道 英语作文宠物狗死了 英语作文我的宠物狗 My friend Linda said to me,“I saw the film three days ago.”改为间接引语 He said to me,“I saw the film two days ago.”变为宾语从句.主要是two days ago可变为哪三个词. 法国现实主义代表作家,《人间喜剧》作者拜托了各位 “Has he seen this film?” __"yes.He _____it several days ago." a,saw b.had seen我想知道为什么不能算B ,要选择A答案 when did you go to the movie?____________ A Tomorrow B,In two days C.Three days agowhen did you go to the movie?____________A Tomorrow B,In two days C.Three days ago last的反义词是( )词形转换 last的反义词谢谢你了帮我 弗洛伊德与荣格的关系 弗洛伊德与荣格哪个理论正确 荣格和弗洛伊德心理学具体是指什么?很喜欢心理学,星座,什么的. 荣格和弗洛伊德的思想斗争他们情同父子,但是因思想而决裂,他们在思想上有什么不同呢?他们最尖锐的斗争在什么观点上?他们谁说的更有道理呢? 周公解梦、弗洛伊德解梦、荣格解梦,哪个准确? They have some good books【用he作主语改为单数句】 Let's take the She will buy her daughter a new pair of shoes this Sunday. A new pair of shoes () () () () he……She will buy her daughter a new pair of shoes this Sunday. A new pair of shoes () () () () her daugh a new pair of shoes and a pair of new shoes 哪种说法正确 this is < >of the smoke and dirty water from cars and some factories.括号里该填什么?给我讲讲,这样的IS 后该跟什么样的词. I'll take it.翻译成汉语 Does Tom read a book every morning?(用now改为现在进行时) 根据首字母和句子意思填空,she is wearing a pair of l()shoesshe is wearing a pair of l()shoesamy enjoys walking along the b() in summer.l cut my f()yesterday.we often enjoy Beijing opera in local t().his birthday is on D() the 21st根据首 the air in shenyang is very dirty.let s stop____it.a.polluted b.to pollute c.polluting d.pollutes 选什么? 真实例子:给老外写邮件,不知道这个意思时态怎么才确切.句子:本人在昨天以前还没有收到你的来信.言下之意,现在收没收到不知道.造成误会的错误:I had not received your letter till yesterday. not only the air is very dirty,but also thepeople don't understand what they can do这句话对不对,不对请改正 用英语写旅游经历用什么时态?写我去过的旅游景点的所见所闻用英语的现在时还是过去时呢? The air is very clear today.对这个提问 古希腊语发音中字母上面的一些特殊符号是什么意思? go造句啊造句要写意思,造句要写意思 用go skateboard造句 go up造句