
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:19:10
用所给词的适当形式填空,要准确率,不要跑堂,1.while he---(stay) there,he went to see his friend .2.we ---(go) to school as soon as the building ---(be) over next week.3.--- (not get) off the bus until it ----(stop)4.how much did you-- 用所给词的适当形式填空,要准确率,不要跑堂,---代表所填的词的适当形式1.it's better---(get) some food before they start .2.they had a ---(wonder) train ride to sichuan .3.the ---(many) trees,the better.4.what's the ---(dif 用所给词的适当形式填空.要准确率,不要跑堂,---代表所填的词1.on a rainy day,you mustn't drive ---(quick)2.pay attention to traffic ---(light).3.go ---(cross) the street,you can find the bookshop .4.---(travel) on foot is slow 5. 选词填空,要准确率,不要跑堂.括号代表所填的词1.Thank you for () us to visit your new house A ask B inviting Ctook D carrying 2.Betty's mother is ill.She () stay at home and look after her A have to B could c must d has to3.Miss zhan 如何统筹推进全面深化改革与全面依法治国 如何理解全面推进依法治国与全面深化改革,全面建成小康社会的关系 如何加快生态文明建设全面深化改革推进依法治国 增强和提高是一个意思吗? 增添( ) 增加( ) 增进( ) 增长( )抵押( ) 抵制( ) 小明烧饭9分钟,烧水2分钟,洗脸一分钟,刷牙3.至少多少分钟大神们帮帮忙 “醉不成欢惨将别,别时茫茫将浸月”翻译 醉不成欢惨将别,别时茫茫江侵月 打一个种动物是什么 英语翻译11111111 一,用所给词的适当形式填空.要准确率,不要跑堂,急,()代表所填单词1.fresh vegetables are very c() in the summer .2.there are many c() in the kitchen.3.is there any a() in getting there early?4.there is a wooden s() on the de 把一个梯形画一条直线分成两个一样的三角形 将直接陈述改为间接陈述伯父摸了摸自己的鼻子,笑着说:“我小的时候,鼻子跟你爸爸的一样,也是又高又直的.” 英语翻译there can be some feelings of discouragement that ultimately lead to a feeling of strength 这小狗是串吗?是什么狗和什么狗的品种基因呢 现在人类还做不到修改基因吧,比如让狗长三只眼,让猫长翅膀 大自然带给了我们什么启示呢 when和while引导的时间状语从句的区别,最好是结合具体例子说明,区别最好是做题时的技巧! 关于英语辨析global warming这里的global是什么意思a,the earth'surface b,ball-shaped c,word-wide d,atmosphere 英语中各种“随意的”辨析Jone was dismissed last week because of his__ attitude towards his job.informal,casual,determined,earnest辨析我是想问每个词的用法有什么特别之处吗? 加强 加大 增强三者的区别 增强 与提高 的区别?增强 与 提高 的区别? 诗词鉴赏 雨雪曲 江总 (1)这首诗描写了什么样的环境诗词鉴赏 雨雪曲 江总 (1)这首诗描写了什么样的环境 末句中的" (2)诗人把"旗彩坏 鼓声低”分别接在“天寒 地暗”之后,这样写有什么好处 雨雪曲(新课标全国卷) ——江总 雨雪隔榆溪,从军度陇西.绕阵看狐迹,依山见马蹄.天寒旗彩坏,地暗鼓声低.漫漫愁云起,苍苍别路迷.这首诗描写了怎样的环境?本文中 别路 是怎样的意思? 大有所益的同义成语是什么?有谁知道吗? 与“大有所益”意思相同的成语 大有所益的近义成语是什么 增加和增长有啥区别增加和增长他们之间的概念有啥区别 fron什么意思