
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:08:59
be able to和can的区别 不要句子 最简短 说的最清楚 she is French不加a IS it a French car为 什么要加a not,it,a,french,car,is造句 英语翻译 英语翻译3.看看电视、打打牌,星期天就这样过去了.(alternation) 4.信中可能有疏漏不当之处,务请海涵.(indulgence) 5.梦被打断的人得不到好的休息,因而常会变得烦躁不安.(irritable) 6.现在谁也无法 you may be right 同义句是什么?——you——right按以上两空的格式填不要再回答1、2楼的答案了 you may right和you may be right 一样么 You may be right.为什么不是 You may are right it is said that their english teacher______(travel) back to america in three days A.in line with B.in favor of C.in place D.in honor ofWhile in London,we paid a visit to the hospital founded ______ the nurse Florence Nightingale. set line啥意思有语境的,应该是说诗歌which kind of poem has set lines?给你选项吧balladnonsense poemfree verselimerick He said that he_____________(be)to America twice. 黄河大合唱在词上的特色是什么?在音乐旋律有些什么变化?在演出形式上有什么特点 CHILDREN OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION怎么样 enjoying your weekend?什么意思 i think i could under 写一段介绍Great Depression 的话, 英语翻译求翻译END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTMetaQuotes Software Corporation makes no warranty or representation,either express or implied,with respect to this software,the hardware,or documentation,including their quality,performance,merchantabili 中译英:客户需要将1个User License 转换成 admin license. china is( )Japan,Russia and koerea next 还是not far from 应该是different from...还是different to...还是别的什么 English -> Chinese translationThough he employed about six people,he was by all accounts a micro-manager who delegated little. Chinese speak Chinese.(改错) u have only chinese version? is he from japan的肯定回答 一个外地人!能学会福清话吗?我是一个外地人!现在在福清!由于听不懂福清话 ,所以很难在福清立足!我想学福清话,即使不会说也没关系,只要能听得懂就可以!这样我可以结交更多的朋友!有谁 —Parents seem to have different tastes _____ teenagers.请问为什麼这个空填from而不是with 福清话供怕是什么意思啊 福清话“点怕”什么意思? 福清话畸形是什么意思 福清话秀内什么意思 福清话“一母”的什么意思