
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:30:13
的几道题目.详情如下 有分加~1.p34 为什么要给路边的树抹上石灰?树木移植的时候,为什么要砍掉树枝树叶,并且要给截断的部分涂上泥巴?2.p54 第11题...(写好过程,如果你没快乐寒假,就别写了.. 可以追分!1.羊开头的成语.猴开头的成语.2.幸福的家庭都是相似的,但不幸的家庭各不相同.这是谁的话?3.海内存知己,天涯若比邻.谁的话?4.哈达有几种颜色?5.children not put must into everything mouths th 什么手表最贵 最贵手表是什么呢? 手表为什么那么贵 翻译"so did Tom' So did every Tom,Dick and Harry.可以替换为 So did everyone.吗? He traveled to work 这句话中的travel是什么意思. 形容心里十分不安 形容惭愧不安的成语语是什么 When he went in ( ) the doctor.这里用see的适当形式填空 为什么是to see?为什么不是seeing?went when he went to the doctor that day he could not have known what was about to happen to him 具体分when的用法, oh,that was probably when I was seeing the doctor!when I was seeing the doctor在句子中充当什么成分? 成语故事欣赏 想一想,写一写成语故事欣赏:望尘莫及东汉时,有个很廉洁的官员叫赵咨.他在敦煌任太守时曾推荐曹暠为孝廉,后曹暠到荥阳当县令.有一年,赵咨被任命为东海相,从敦煌到东海 Your beauty scared me ,so I figure I lost Mind every day are your shadow,I'm so scared,I want to escape! Darling I'm so scared if you leave me alone.怎么翻译 找找类似句子~沧桑啊红尘啊什么的比如、那一抹沧桑笑看红尘~ 关于这种格式的句子我想找找例如:富裕的贫民.不辣的辣椒.丑陋的美女.格式的句子,这种句子叫啥? 你能找出有关描写黄河的诗句吗? 急找有关黄河的诗句 古之人不余欺也!这句话的语法现象有什么? Is the brown hat big for you?怎么翻译 He can fly the kite,too.The kite is yellow and blue.Is`s big,too.His dog is brown. 高二英语用现在分词短语改写下列句子1、As it was a wet day,we couldn't go for a walk.2、Because he did not know how to do it,he went to her for help.3、Ling Ming sat at the desk and wrote an article in English.4、As soon as she had 用现在分词短语改写这个句子Look around when you cross tie street her brother studies ai a technical school. 善于,惊奇,坚定的近意词是什么, 惊喜的反意词是()? 急需几个名人故事 Lots of students like sing very much.(改错) twitter中的reply和retweet分别是什么意思.有什么功能.这俩有什么区别?