
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:48:41
下面的英语怎么选择what time shall we meet ok,Let's make it seven O'clock D.on seven 下面的英语怎样选择,为什么?Who is the man _______ the black bike. A. on B. by C. under D. in 英语第三节⒉补全对话(一空一词)A:Hello,Mike.B:Hi,Tom.( ) are you?A:I'm in America ( ) vacation!I ( ) to say heppy birthday to you!B:Oh,( A:So,how is it ( ) there?B:( ).We are very happy here.How is everything with you?A:Pretty ( ).What a 再过一周就要考英语六级了,哪位高手有比较好的作文模版,麻烦贡献一下,感激不尽! 英语,第三节, 英语六级作文模板,因为英语六级还有一个星期就要考了, 英文夜晚这个单词怎么翻译 1.Water will continue to be ____ it is today----next to oxygen in B.asANSWER:A2.--My foot hurts terribly ,doctor.--Well,I wonder ____ it has been like this.A.since when B.since thenANSWER:B 就是英语1.2.3.我做不来请把答案说出来谢谢了 “婊子,永远滚出我的世界”用英语怎么说? 这几个英语选择怎么做呢?1.( Even though ) living in the cities has its problems,more and more people are moving to urban areas all over the world.这题的连词填even if 为什么不行呢?两者差别在哪?2.The young pilot had complete 几个英语选择I will call you as soon as I ( ) the ticket to the football matchA will get B get C got D am gettingas soon as后面接的时态应该与主语时态一致,但是为什么不是A?其实更想问为什么不是D,正确答案不重要 3+3=6用英语怎么说? 英语3和6 6月3日英语怎么写 英语与汉语的对比汉语很复杂,有成语,谚语,歇后语等等,英语中有这些吗?如果有,能分别对应这三种吗?另外,英语中的词组相当于汉语中的什么? 关于英语和中文的对比英语就像是汇编语言...中文就像是高级语言... 英语翻译//对否?WindowProcThe WindowProc function is an application-defined function that processes messages sent to a window. The WNDPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. WindowProc is a placeholder for the application-defined When he heard the exciting news,his eyes were full of _____tears.excited or exciting ,choose the right one plz.And please tell me why? 高中英语填空题1.There will be an exhibition held by the I_______ of Modern Art next week.2.Your education will e_______ you for your future life.第一个单词是i开头的 几道高中英语填空题Please tell me the pronunciation of the wordPlease tell me_________ __________ ___________ the wordSatisfied with what he did ,the teacher praised him in class(改成原因状语从句)____________________________________ 29.\x05If appearance did not count,why would people _____ for such interviews — even if the job they are hoping to get is dressed down?A.stay up\x05B,hold up\x05C.pick up\x05D.dress up30.Calling an adult Mr.or Ms.signals the adult’s authority.Whe 一道高中英语填空题这个空怎么填,为什么?In a world _____(base) on this attitude,happiness becomes a matter of successful competition. 英语翻译也许在你心中已经有了决定,我也知道以前的我几乎什么都不懂,所以做了很多错事,让你无数次失望.我知道人的忍耐都是有限度的,耐心消磨完了,就该消磨爱了.也许我已经没有资格去 第三部分,英语 英语翻译我知道Sign,Mark,还有Define,但是这句话,用Define的话,总感觉表达的意思,不到位 求答案,英语. 七年级下英语典中点的Unit7的单元达标第三部分的A答案是什么越快越好,回答得快加分 求英语答案,急用 我想不通 英文想不通用英文怎么说? 堵塞的英文比如出了车祸 车子都(堵塞)了.用英文怎么说括号内的意思.我记得是2个单词的.第二个是介词PS:别帮我翻译堵车的英文. 这条英语想不通When she got back ,she found the raincoat she had______over her bike was gone.A left hanging B left hung可是我觉得选B啊.考察的不是hang the raincoat over the bike吗?hang的过去分词不是hung吗?the raincoat she ha