
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:45:48
小学六年级学的"比较级句子的四个公式是小学六年级教的,有哪些啊? & (选修2-3)中的概率问题这部分内容,我学了很多遍了,但是仍然混沌不清,有很多习题还解着困难,就是学不透彻.请问朋友们,怎样才能把概率部分学透彻?拿到概率习题就象中学生见到小学1年级 I decided to buy a birthday cake ( )my mother on her birthday.括号中应填to还是for?其中有什么语法 比较级This is___lecture I've ever heard(boring).The moon isn't____(closed)to us than any star.The boy is ____(old)enough to go to school. 六年级英语(比较级之类的题)一、根据句意填入单词的正确形式.(1)Ben-----(jump)-----(high)than some of the buys in his class.(2)-----Nancy sing-----(well)than Helen?Yes,she-----.(3)-----the girls get up -----(early)than th 六年级英语比较级 英语高手看过来英语比较级 我们在复习 .有几个不会的 麻烦英语高手们看过来 过日子就不要了 1.cold 2.cool 3.fat 4.hot 5.sad 6.wet 7.lorge It's best to go there by bus.You ___ ___ take ___ ___ to go there. when is national day?改错是否是when is the national day? 到底该不该加the?不加的话前面的到底错在哪里? 英语翻译不爱了 还有 爱累了 心累了 翻译成英语单词是什么啊? It’s( )to go there by bus.A.good B.better C.best D.the best 选一个!要理由!要句意! 把这段话翻译成英文(如果时光可以倒流,我们或许不会在一起了,不是不爱了而是受不了爱过的伤) It is best not to see,then there is no chance to fall in love; it is best not to become intimate,then I will not be forlorn when I miss. We must think before we buy. I___(wait) until he comes back before和until有什么区别么?这里能用until么?"Larry,I can't give you an answer ____ I think it over," said joe.before until虽然我before填入很通顺,但我觉得until也没错误吧? When is National Day in China? long long way to go的中文歌词以及视频有谁知道long long way to go 这首歌的中文歌词以及视频的请发上来谢谢了我找了很久了可是找不到是天下足球里放过的写给范.巴斯滕的 Must I ___wait for you here?No,you____(needn't)为什么是这个答案请给讲一下 -Must I wait for you here now?-No,you ___,You may be back in haif an hour.A.don't have to B.mustn'tC.can't D.shouldn't选什么 为什么 Our teacher asks us to speak English as()as we can.A.mostB.moreC.manyD.much when is Children's Day? Long Way To Happy 歌词 pink的《long way to happy》的歌词.RT.英文即可. i won't leave until my friend will come here tomorrow这句错在哪?will come是不是应为comes为什么? 谁有2000字的好文章 表示两个比()的式子叫做比例.比例尺=()/().在比例里,两个外项的积等于两个内项的积,这叫做1().右边这幅图是用1:6000000的比例尺画成的,那么从北京到天津的实际距离是()看看 怎样做最好的自己(求2000字文章)我要写篇2000字左右的文章上缴校长,麻烦各位朋友帮忙找找,我比较懒了.那个李开复的。百度上一找满地是。不要他的。我要可以直接抄写的。改一点点老 one minute with you is more than absolutely everything to me.、是神马意思啊? 按扩号的正确形式填空(解释哦)1.you can___(get) there 2.he must___(wait)here he must_here.(be) he isn't here.he must____home为什么填have gone不填go啊? 英语中,宾语从句的用法