
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:25:45
She didn't work hard at her lessons so she ______(失败) to pass the exams The girl cried sadly on her mother's s_______ because she didn't pass the exam 用 想象 造句 用”如果没有想像.......”造句续写句子:如果没有想像,思维就像花儿失去了营养;如果没有想像,思维就像鸟儿失去了翅膀. 设想怎么造句 用你会从······想象······造句 用设想造句 英语翻译“这是我曾经读过的最没意思的书.”英文翻译 "这是谁的衬衫"用英语怎么说?下面两种说法哪个正确?还是都正确?A.Whose shirt is this?B.Whos is this shirt? 英语翻译Would I have them in my own eyes in a moment,too,after all the years of imitating him to never have them,and having succeeded except for the two or three times I had let them go when I had been alone,and nobody knew?这句话是《现代 造句:从.你会看见.你想象到.最好简单一些. 用看见、想象、推测、知道造句. 1、甲乙两人岁数的年龄和等于甲乙两人年龄差的三倍,甲x岁乙y岁,则他们的年龄和如何用年龄差表示()A、(x+y)b、(x-y)c、3(x-y) d、3(x+y)2、零乘任何数都得零,用字母怎么表示?3、某水 几道数学题,请大侠多多指教1、一个两位数,既是6的倍数,又能被9整除,这个两位数最小是多少?2、如果自然数a除以自然数b的商是5,那么,这两个数的最大公约数是几?最小公倍数是几? 用"想象"造句 想象怎样造句用想象造句 用imagine造句. 选择:many people think that bats cannot____1.look 2.watch 3.see she didn't answer my letter.The f_____ is she didn't even read the letter Would you write a letter to her like the one she wrote to you?3分钟内能给我答案吗?…… 造句``用联想和想象的手法``例句:秋风一吹,落在地上的枫叶就像一团团火一样,为着树干绕了几圈,恋恋不舍地随风走远了……1.蜘蛛看了看被孩子捅破的蛛网,……2.月光照在我的床头,我望着 关于【直角三角形、勾股定理】的问题:1、【长方形、ab和dc是宽,ad和bc是长】不好意思,小生无能..连图片也传不了 T_T.长方形abcd中ab=8cm,bc=10com,在边cd上取一点e,将△ade折叠使点d恰好落在bc边 Do you have big eyes or small eyes 怎么回答 They ___small eyes.急. (1)Are bats useful animals?(2)What do bats eat?(3)Do bats have eyes?Can they see well?(4)Do you know anything more about bats?用英语答, 英文填空题(填词):most ___ her kids are ___ their father.they all have big eyes and small mouth. this (g )is a nurse.she works in a hospital she works as a nurse in a hospital的同义句___ ___is to be a nurse in a hospital 妈妈发现那不是( ),而是( ). 妈妈不仅什么而且什么造句 如果我是____妈妈就是__将我__造句 不知道 不知道 不知道 妈妈 造句要快,谢谢