
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:14:39
有四个6,你可以加减乘除,要等于4 5个2加减乘除连怎么样才能等于4可以用+ - × ÷ ( ) ,怎么样才能等于4 摆脱了 英语翻译 英语翻译A new home for the micetwo field mice doris and boris lived in a field of wheat.They were very happy until one day they met rabbit who said,"you can't live here now.A lot of farmers are coming to clear the field.""We'd better leave now," 英语翻译1.The plan has been over fulfilled by now.2.The docyor told me to have more water.3.Could you tell me where the post office is? 英语翻译Generally,smaller populations of S.Typhimurium weredetected in myrtle leaves oil solutions than in distilled water solutionsafter treating tomatoes or lettuce that indicates reductionsof S.Typhimurium by the myrtle leaves oil solutions fr 英语翻译The Taj Mahal was built in the seventeenth century for the emperor shah jehan.a few years after he became ruler,his wife ,Mumtaz-i-Mahal,died.The Taj mahal was built in her honour.Experts were called in from many parts of the world to con 英语翻译1 Don not lean on that shelf!you will regret it.2 we have embarked on a new scheme.3 I believe in taking my time.4 They began by experimenting on rats.5 please concentrate on what you are doing.6 she prides herself on her clean house.7 Th 英语翻译1 I remembered to post you letter.2 Remember me to you mother.3 one must be careful these days4 one must never tell lies 5 you can only learn if you pay attention.帮我直译.翻译好的在加30分 简单英语翻译问题!高手快来啊!加10分!1We expect a great deal of you,Smith.2My hands smell of soap.3They differ of each other so much4He invested a lot of money in shipping 英语翻译在英国,素食的潮流在近二十年来越来越明显,因此现在素食者不再被看成是少数的异类,而已成为了社会主流的一部分.全国各处都有素食品出售,年轻人都being as vegetarian.因超级市场陈 英语翻译From the charge voltage curve ,it is known the charge process is divided into three stages :preliminary charge stage ; senior charge stage ; overcharge stage.Preliminary charge stage is theperiod during which the NiMH battery is to be cha 英文翻译 你是一个非常特殊的女孩 英文翻译 她那时肯定有25岁了.英文翻译 英语翻译全世界的父母都关心自己的孩子以及孩子的将来 (care about)尽管她不想去上学,我还是说服她去了 (persuade)他就是在这所房子里出生和长大的. 0乘于2加3减1成20等于 唔建八加四减三乘20等于多少? 1+20等于几? +2!+.+20!等于多少 25*20+1等于多少? 若X²+3x-9与2x-5互为相反数,求x 1.已知3x+6与2x+9互为相反数,试求x的值2.数轴上点A表示的数是-2.5,B,C两点表示的数互为相反数,且点B到点Ade距离为3,则点C所表示的数为() 若-2x+5与-9+3x互为相反数,则x-2的值为 3x + 6 和2x + 9 互为相反数,求x的值,谁会? 3x+1与5-2x的值互为相反数,则x是? (1×2×3×4×5×6×7×8×9×10×11)÷(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11) 等于多少? 9减7又2分之1等于多少 -1/63/(3/14-2/9+1/7-1/3)为什么我算出来的是-1/63,而正确答案是2/25?最好拍过来 729的立方根 -0.729的立方根是多少 求729的立方根是多少