
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 21:23:43
关于银行的职业 she works in bank as a t_______ There are forty people in the room .Ten of them are children,and the other are adults.(改为同义句)_____ _____ of the people in the room are adults. John fell asleep_________he was listening to the music.A while B when My mother was so tired that she fell asleep when watching TV为什么when后用watching而不用watched Hardly had Mike thrown himself into bed when he fell___asleep.A.fast B.quick C.rapid D.sudden 为什么选A?详细点解释谢谢 That’t something only love can do .拜托 as she was reading the newspaper,he fell asleep.的意思是当她在读报纸的时候,他睡着了,不能这样理解吗:当她在读报纸的时候,他正在睡觉as she read the newspaper,he was felling asleep That's something only love can say . "That's something only love can say ”这句话的意思谁知道! 找首英文歌that's something only i can dothat's something only i can do 其中的一句歌词还有 do you with me make you see so i just 句子I don't know what to do next为什么是to do 请不要说是通过语感,请说明具体是那种语法 I don't know what to do next,这句话哪里错了,为什么啊不对,是把what改为how为什么错? 第一句I remember tears streaming down your face求歌曲 And all my tears stay keep running down my face 这段英文哪错了.别人说有两个动词连一起. Tears rolled down my cheeks flow down!这句话语法对不? find the drop of tears rolling down my face 是哪首歌的歌词? Many people don’t like their jobs, but they have to do it ______(make) a living. Greatly moved by her deeds,----.A.tears moved to by eyes B,tears went down my faceC,i could hardly be held backD,tears would hardly be held back选什么,为什么? a number of people 谓语动词用什么?a lots of fish =____(many or much ) fish Many people living in cities______(更愿意在乡下住)(prefer)完成句子 only vinportant people and people w__a lot of money had them 英语翻译Common law is the law for common man is和does的区别是什么?如:when does your brother do his homework?可不可以说成 when is your brother如:when does your brother do his homework?可不可以说成 when is your brother do his homework?如果可以,为什么?什么情况 I ran into Sally the other day 翻译 What was the lion doing when a mouse ran into it 怎样回答 Lost in though ,his brother almost ran into the car in front of him.(Lost) in though ,his brother almost ran into the car in front of him.这里为什么是lost? Face Down, Eyes Shut 歌词 a tear slowly rolled down my face.as i looked up ,i noticed all of my friends' eyes were alsofilled with tears.翻译 John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of_______ are family members. A.them B.that C.whJohn invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of_______ are family members.A.them B.that C.when D.whom 这道题的先行词是谁 bananas are d and people in about every part of world like them 作文We did a survery about people's life 谁知道“People want to know how much you care before they care how much you know”的意思不要直译.最好可以再给几个例子例子是指故事,并不是仿句