
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:33
制作糖醋大蒜要用什么容器? 这种瓶子底部的阴影用ps是怎么做的? 描写春初的诗句 某班有甲、乙两个学习小组,两组的人数如下:现采用分层抽样的方法(层内采用简单随机抽样)从甲、某班有甲、乙两个学习小组,两组的人数如下:现采用分层抽样的方法(层内采用简单随机抽样 莲的成语 在花坛里的那种黄色花瓣(花瓣排列整齐,花瓣长圆形),棕黑色花心(花心挺大的),是什么菊科植物? if everyone cares about the environment,there will be less----pollution填入 要不要该形态 yes,because it is the first case in which the ...yes,because it is the first case in which the united states supreme court said that the police cannot torture people into confessing to crimes.这一段话怎么翻译,翻译半天怎么也不通顺, 定语从句She may be late,in which case we ought to wait for her.直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常要用which,但是从句好像不缺宾语啊.该怎么理解这句话呢,还是按固定搭配去做,in which case翻译为即使是这样.晕 It may rain hard tomorrow,in which case I won’t go fishing.这句话中的case是什么意思 是考查定语从句吗?该选in which case吗? 朗文少儿英语和剑桥少儿英语哪个好 剑桥少儿英语哪个版本好 求茅原実里too late_ not late...罗马音歌词 he lost his heart when he failed again.改正下列句子中的错误.句中只有一个错误. Paul, _____ ? Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my motherA. What is that? B. Who’s talking over there C. Which is talking over there? D. How is he? Jane left Beijing two days ago.同义句 He may be late____we ought to wait for him.A.on which case B.in which case C.which case D.which jack “不要总是说的天花乱坠,却没有做出什么成绩,应该用成绩说话.”怎么用词语或成词形容这句话?“不要总是说的天花乱坠,却没有做出什么成绩,讲的再好毫无用处,只有做出成绩才能让人信服 坡度大于25的耕地应该退耕还林还草对不对 英语特长的朋友,麻烦看下这2组定语从句:I will never forget the day on which I worked on the farm.I will never forget the day when I worked on the farm.That was a happy year in which I workde with you.That was a happy year when I wor JACK&JONES和selected哪个定位高? 求教数学题,What day will it be on the 2009th(第2009) day after May 1,2009 which求教数学题,请翻译并计算.What day will it be on the 2009th(第2009) day after May 1,2009 which is Friday? What will it be on the 2009th(第2009天)day after May 1,2009 which is Friday?(中文) That () Paul.()is my brother LTK International Ltd是什么公司? Misic International Ltd. —Some flowers are dead in my garden.—Why—Some flowers are dead in my garden.—Why not( A.cut down them B.cut them downC.cut them选词填空 连词成句;going,I,to,am,some,trees,plees,garden,my,in 谁知道这种蜘蛛的名字?在阳台窗外发现的! 人体需要哪几种营养物质,比例该如何搭配