
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:49:35
First floor 英语,在中文指几楼 美国和英国都可以用the ground floor为第一层吗,美国和英国能通用这个第一层的英语吗the ground floor这个英语吗,会不会出现哪个国家觉得奇怪这个英语 要起个英文的店名,请问下有哪个英文单词的发音跟拼音“SU SHEN"发音相近的 帮忙起个英文店名吧,要一个单词,很有意义的那种比如说vanity,ephemeral,somnus,moonlight 还有twilight不过moonlight 和vanity都有人用了 twilight是本书.大家帮我想个好听的名字吧~p.s不要带fashion哦我想取 W开头的英文单词最好含有f b 用作女装店名还有意义更好点的吗 与‘强盛’读音相近英文单词,最好有意义. Did you have an exam______ Chinese yesterday? A.on D.with 说原因 I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today. I have been to Today Bench(用yesterday改写句子) I( )( ) Today Bench yesterday Have you taken your medicine today?Yes,I()(take)it after breakfast 动词填空... the matter slide的中文意思? 这句英文翻译成中文是什么意思 My presumptuous,let the world laugh 英语翻译 They live on the second floor,and we live on the first floor.We live____them.(A).below(B).under 转换英式英语:I live on the first floor.I live on the_____floor.那个,我选谁呢? “住在第一层”是live on the first floor还是live on first floor 我叫龙安俊,请给一个发音与中文名高度谐音的英文名字? I live on the first floor .转换成英式英语按照英国人的思维来想,相互颠倒.急 起谐音英文名 中文读音 秋景起谐音英文名 中文读音 “秋景” 女生的名字,希望是谐音名字,听着可爱一点,最好有这个单词的~拜托啦、自己想了很久想不出~ 适当形式填空our room is on the first floor and -------(they) on the secondher father and mother --------(be)both doctors you must --------(make)the bed in the morning 你知道 如果冬天来了,春天还会吗?这句是谁写的吗?有什么深刻的含义?我急几! jack and mike are american.改一般疑问句.hello ,billno ,this is Sam ,thanksIs bill ,he'snot at home .OK.,.good bye . jack and mike are american.改成否定句 Do you lie when a fart to put off -翻译成汉字 Jack and Mike are AmErica's改为一般疑问 I forgot to put you off.这句可以这么写吗?为什么?I forgot to you put off. 9.The sports meeting____ .A .is put off B .is to put off C .is to be put off D .puts offRT.选什么?thanks.请说明原因 The sports meeting is put off./ is to be put off.The sports meeting put to put to be put offD.puts off为什么C不可以呢?be to do表将来,变成被动语态就是be to be done啊”运动会将会被取消“. become 的过去分词 是不是还是become 今天去没用,他不会在家.(用动名词结构) become现在分词怎么写 it's on the first floor的意思it's on the first floor的意思,快