
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:34:44
人暴露在太空会怎么样 Do you think Sally one?I think she one.You can ask .是关于你有没有足球的 mc,are you mobile chicken?..我找半天也没有解释说的是什么? Are you Mobile Chicken?和 Andersen i for got to take may lunch withe me to school是什么意思 take me to school.give me the schoolbag and hand me the food. Why not ______ me to your school?A.to take B.tWhy not ______ me to your school?A.to take B.taking C.take D.to takinh(有好评) 人坐一辈子飞机可以飞出宇宙吗如题,汽油无限 May is a name ,May is a word.The Chinese meaning of May is “五月” He asked her to take the boy out of school.与.与the students followed Uncle Wang to see the othermachin两个to do结构为什么一个做宾补一个做状语 话说有区别吗希望详细一点..与the students followed Uncle Wang to see the oth He asked her to take the boy out of school的宾补是什么?为什么? ——_________________?—— It's the third of June.A.What's the time?B.What's the dateC.What day is it D.What's the month我要理由哦! Today is June third.(把Today改成Yesterday) the third sunday in june意思竟 外国人寄东西到中国怎么写地址?我认识的一个朋友是荷兰人,他想寄一张明信片给我,请问从国外寄过来怎么写中国的地址?用英文还是中文?外国人是没有邮编的,那他们要怎么标明中国的邮编 怎么从国内寄东西给国外?我是北京的 在加拿大有一个很好的朋友 想寄一些礼物和心意过去 但是具体不知道怎么下手 想知道那个邮寄方式便宜一些 麻烦大家具体说一下就是寄一些小礼物 和 mobile chicken是什么意思谢谢了,RT Mc.Are you mobile children 这句话的意思是什么? 完形填空I heve a good friends.(21)name is Robert.We(22 )in the same school.He likes playing soccer.He (23)like basketball.(24)he doesn't like volleyball.He (25)many balls at home.He was born on July(26).Today is his(27).His father gives him a new He is playing at school happily 这个句子的组成部分是什么?主+系+表吗? 英语翻译这个翻译我加拿大的朋友说不太正确啊.别用翻译软件翻啊,要正确的,不然邮寄不到, 国外邮寄包裹到国内地址怎么填地址是深圳市龙岗区布吉镇坂田西村8巷10号4楼 that boy doesn't like playing soccer回答 A So do I B So am I C Neither do I DNeither am I 修改春联~~~忌乱脚.对联中,上联必须仄声收,下联必须平声收.如果联末平对平,或仄对仄,为乱脚.乱脚也是撰联大忌.现在有一些联书,如《实用对联大全》等,不少联作是乱脚对联.例如: 党恩比 英语翻译华译网的土地管理论文翻译价格相对于其译文质量和服务质量来讲是非常值得的,他们的性价比是最高的.我长期与他们合作,他们的公司实力最强,有严格的译者选聘考核程序和科学的 是young cousin 还是younger cousin题目是Well,his ( 幼小的)cousin is playing with dog. 春联两幅.就是两幅行了 请问英语介词he must stay in bed for a weekfor在这里该如何理解, He must stay in bed for a week改为一般疑问句 How____________________?He must stay in bed for five days. 信件怎么邮速度最快呢? you must stay in bedbed是stay的宾语吗