
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:25:45
植物长了蚜虫怎么办 我的植物上有蚜虫,该怎么办 什么植物能杀蚜虫 98²用平方差公式怎么算啊?要简便的! 英语词汇题 being of money,she managed to save enough for a holiday.being of money,she managed to save enough for a holiday.A.economic B.economical C.economics D.economies bigbang she can't get enough 中文歌词注明每一句是谁唱的 I,who___ your friend,will try my best to help you.(be)am?顺便能讲一下为什么吗?还有同位语的一些知识, 已知二次函数的解析式为Y=aX平方-3+2X1)问A取何值时,这个函数图像与X轴有交点2)若此二次函数的图像图X轴相交于A(X1,0)、B(X2,0)两点,当AB=4时,求A的值 直线y=2x+3与二次函数y=ax平方的图像交于A、B两点,已知点A的横坐标为3,求A、B的坐标及二次函数的解析式我已求出A点坐标和二次函数解析式,请问B点坐标怎么求? with no money left,she had to ()for food.填什么? she makes model toys to ------------ her children 选择 a.raise money for b.waste money for c.lose 我有一只黑白相间的足球用英语怎么说 她带着黑白相间的眼镜用英语怎么说 初高中化学辅导 2/5÷3/14+7/30简便计算快 1.43*25 14.3*7.5这道题如何简便 日本侵略中国;杀了那么多人;是不是有因果关系;佛教; 一只黑白相间的斑马 英语怎么说 关于因果关系的哲学推理.改革开放引起新的经济犯罪的 证明.要正确...要用哲学观点. 哲学因果关系中寻找原因的问题1、我想喝水,会先拿杯子,拿杯子的“原因”是我要喝水,但喝水在后,不能作为拿杯子的原因啊.那么拿杯子的原因是什么呢?2、我们放鞭炮前都会用手捂住耳朵, 苏教版高中化学必修一 一对一教学的时候,应注意哪些知识点? 英语翻译急 If you are a recent social science graduate who has had to listen to jokes about unemployment from your computer major classmates,you may have had the last laugh.There are many advantages for the social science major because this high java 中return 的用法?请问如何用,为什么用了要返回,而其他的值就不用,不用又怎么样,THX! c++里面return的用法(1)return;(2)return 0 ;(3)return 1;(4)return -1;(5)return(表达式);*@*常见的这几种用法:第五个不用说了,我明白了!其上面的四个我还是弄混淆去.如果方便的还 我想知道return 所有用法 There are many balloons______the apple tree A.at B.in C.on There are many a____ on that apple tree.求求你们了 how many apple are there on de tree?怎么回答 There are many birds( ) the tree.填介词 Before she could move,she heard a loud noise,which grew to a terrible roar.为什么要用Which? she has received a letter from her uncle .which one has the closest meaning with the underlined par划线的地方是received a letter from.A received a present fromB finished a letterC heard from D got a present from 英语翻译有得钟者,欲负而走,则钟大不可负,以锤毁之,钟况然有音,恐人闻之而多已也,遽掩其耳。的翻译