
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:31:52
great的比较级和最高级用英语怎么写急需答案 by the phone.on the 如何区别on phone和by phone?同题,并希望举几个例子 on/by the phoneTell me ____是on the phone 还是by the phone-----请说明答案,以及原因和相关的语法知识.说明知识的时候最好有例句.--请勿抄袭, 【改错题】call sb by the phone 为什么by 要改成on? important的比较级和最高级是什么快,急用 深奥的句子不要爱情、古代之类的,越多越加分. ( )In the end,my decision turned ______ to be true.A.on B.off C.out D.up it turned out to be true ()the boy said turned out to be true.这里要填什么,说明理由 请问这句的被动语态用的不妥吧?My thought was turned out to be true.我的版本:My thought turned out to be true. ____ he will go abroad has turned out to be trueA.word which B.the word whichC.word that D.the word which 王维的《送别》解释 请求大家帮忙!要多!要清楚 唐诗送别 王维送别【唐】王维 下马饮君酒,问君何所之.君言不得意,归卧南山陲.但去莫复问,白云无尽时.一、诗中交代友人归隐原因是:__________.二、诗歌五,六两句是写对友人的________和自己 王维 送别 送别 王维作者送别之人为什么要“归卧南山陲”?请说说你对“白云无尽时”的理解.急用!>_< {{{(>_ I don't know how to say 与 what to say 区别这个答案有时选what 有时又选how 头晕了 I don’t know how to say now的意思 先抑后扬的写人作文 sorry i don\'t know how to say 先抑后扬的写物作文不要写人的,最好是仙人掌 i don t know how to say in english. Don't know how to say,begin to have 在电话里说到底是on the phone 还是in the phone Lingling is ______ the phone for you.A.to B.in C.on more interesting it than television is watching连词成局 our questions were about exercise,use of the Interner and watching TV.为什么about后面的exercise,use不用加ing 为什么?我记得about后面的动词要加ing的啊 先抑后扬的作文-写人的-记住要文章不是手法! 求以先抑后扬的手法的一篇写人作文500就够 on the 写人作文先抑后扬 on the phone