
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:48:36
《鲁滨逊漂流记》采用第几人称的写法 who wants to learn Chinese?lived in Germany for almost 7 year,good at German and English.Now looking for someone who wants to learn Chinese. My father (work) in a factory for five years.But now he is a teacher.这里为什么要用worked呢?能不能具体解释下原因 come-from-behind-victory什么意思啊?我做一篇刘翔的阅读里遇到的 come from behind 翻译成中文 The Chinese come from behind The couse is a_ at Chinese students who wants to learn English (首字母填空) come from Beijing 的中文意思是什么啊? who can be your friend 英语翻译Nowadays,the Antarctic is a house,Jiao A surviving a Scott South Pole Station.Indoor warm,both summer and winter,where people can live,work.No effort to attack aircraft can fly all or exited the Antarctic stations.Chain from the other sid 娜英语怎么写 娜的英语怎么写 first的反义词是 是英语还美语.听力报的是什么 请问现在高中不学英语有可能考上本科吗? 初中后没学过英语现在应该怎么学?自从初中后就没有学过英语了,我现在想学,我现在22岁,不知道该怎么学,我很盲目,应该买学习机学吗?请大家多给我意见,最好是有亲身体会的. 求高中英语答题技巧,怎样提高阅读、完型的答题速度和效率?阅读题我一般需要12分钟左右,快的话也要10分钟.我是先看文每段的开头,然后看问题.之后就略读文章,但有时候即使明白他中心意 大量做题和阅读外文,哪个提升英语成绩快 would have done非虚拟语气情况下的用法和意义 would have done 除了虚拟语气里 本来会做 还有没有猜测的意思啊 好多句子都不是与实际不相符合的啊 比如they would have cut all of the overlying meat off here这句话翻译直接就是他们会把盖在上面的肉 英语怎学 英语怎么学 英语测试卷, 如何区别make up 和 make up for?给一些例句. 娜姐喜欢的英文歌是什么呀? make up 与make up for 有啥区别? would have been 一定为虚拟语气?The London Olympics are about to begin,and spectators will again be riveted by feats that would have been impossible when the modern Olympics began in 1896.为什么该句用了would have been impossible?“本 would have done应该不仅仅指虚拟语气吧,是否应该还有推测的含义如Born in better time,he would have done credit to society,这句如用虚拟语气,来解释与现在情况相反,似乎不通再如she said that we would have finish 2009.7.22 绍兴会下雨吗?下雨的几率有多大?能看到日全食吗?因为这几天都是晴天,我想如果20 21号也是晴天的话,22号会是晴天吗?网上的天气预报有雨的标志! 只用回答第24的第一小题,好的秒采纳,诚心第一! 求问一道英语题!望学霸帮助,好的秒采纳 That is his family photos改为同义句,开头为that is the