
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:34:15
I went to 原来你要的不是我翻译成英文谢谢! 英语翻译RT 飘 的繁体字怎么弄谢了 云就会飘 的繁体字怎么写? 流萤飘枫这几个字的繁体怎么写 云就会飘的繁体怎么写? 飘满书香的繁体字怎么写? 秋天到了,你收获了什么 秋天能收获什么?道理 秋天都有哪些收获 The students ( )at the school gate A.see B.watch C.look D.meet如题 today tomorrow ,the day after tomorro My friend ___ill today.I hope he ___tomorrow.A:is ; will be better B:is ; is going to better 秋天的收获 秋天都收获什么?急!今天告诉我最好哦! Shall i go home now?No,you .you work hasn't been finished.A.needn't B.mustn't C.won't D.wouldn't 找一篇英语文章第一句是one day on my way home from workone day on my way home from work,while looking out of the car window “逸”的繁体字是什么? Don't leave me,my life can't go on without you. 有一首歌我只记得有这两句歌词;秋天来了,叶子黄了,这季节我收获了悲伤...谁知道是哪首歌? My uncle _____ ______to my house tomorrow.(填is going还是is coming) 形容因别人犯了错而特别生气的样子的词是什么 别人的教训引用到自己身上 用什么词语形容如题.. 形容 自己喜欢教训别人不要这样 却常常犯同样的错 的词成语 俗语 变色龙—( )填成语如纸老虎—(外强中干) I'm feeling really sad because I failed the English exam.中的feeling在句中做什么? I'm happy_____(go)shopping. ----When___ (do) Julie ___ (clean) her room? ---- Last night. 7.You _____ drink it; it is poisonous.A.can’t B.needn’t D.may not D.mustn’t It's stopped raining.You ----take an umbrella with you.A:can't B:mustn't C:needn't D:may not 在句子中如何使用couldn't,mustn't,can't,needn't?