
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:38:23
藏语中的(我爱你)怎么说?请用中文词语表示, 谁知道This Year s Love (邻家女孩插曲)的歌词和中文歌词~ 求This Year's Love下载地址! wherever i am,i will not forget that specail fell which from my sweet family.翻译下啥意思 sometimes things are so bad around here that i want to run away.my family ,teachers ,--friendsare not friendly to me,taking up all my -2 ,I need some place to be--3 .I found a place,it is beautiful and --4 .no one troubles me there .-5 my eyes,I see 释迦牟尼佛的梵文写法还有藏语读法? 藏语的“白云”怎么写?读音是什么?有几个字?写法的话最好能给我一张图什么的,读音的话就用拼音代替就行。 all the people invited to the party showed up they are carrying out some research on the canrer为什么RESEARCH不可数SHOW为什么是过去式 vip 是very importint people 的缩写吗? it's got eighf million people 中的一撇S是什么单词的缩写? 求救懂英文的人!告诉我为啥死鬼美国佬这么喜欢用缩写啊,people竟缩写成ppl!最近认识了好告诉我为啥死鬼美国佬这么喜欢用缩写啊,people竟缩写成ppl!最近认识了好多美国网友,偷笑ING! Girl: Let's nine pounds. Boy: I'm sorry . I only have 20 pound note.Can you give a change怎么翻译 a quarter of a mile请问这是多长的距离? Road accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital patients.求翻译,make up 在这翻译成什么 the hospital is just up this road,about a mile past the road.为什么用past 不用across through this is the cheapest car i have ever seenthis car is the cheapest i have ever seen区别 please check the required fields是什么意思啊 谢谢 fields的意思 leave Yangzhou for Beijing是什么意思 leave for Beijing and leave Beijing先问问,有第二个吗?有什么不同? air-conditioner怎么读 an air-conditioner翻译 帮忙解释一个英文句子(ELL上的文章)文章段落是:Though his first book,The Naked and the Dead,was an estimable war novel that won him enormous celebrity at the age of 25,and he would go on to write many more novels over the decade My grandparents w( ) coats and hats in winter. leave someplace,leave to someplace,leave for someplace区别 leave for good 是表示短期离开不知道什么时候回来的意思吗? 英文翻译成中文“Don 'try so hard . The best things come when you lest expect them to . ” 我是最棒的为什么英语翻译为 i was the best?为何用was 以常识为题的作文怎么写啊 The water in the sea besomes The vapour goes up and becomes The clouds feei cool and becomes The water in the sea besomes ()The vapour goes up and becomes ()The clouds feei cool and becomes ()The rain falls into the()The sun shines and the water beco 改正错误:Water become warm in the Wert Pacific Ocean.快 The water gives up energy and becomes cooler____________the ice receives energy and melts.A. whileB. for选哪个?为什么?谢谢!