
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:03:17
i don't have any small pads这里为什么要加上do 不加可不可以.i not have any small pads?这样可以吗?能不能解释的更加详细一点呢? 是 be also 还是also be Don't ask me to prepare the picnic lunch,I'm afraid I'm not ____ a cook.A.much of B.better than C.good at D.much as 答案A为什么对,其它为什么不对 英语文章、广告牌是不是每个单词首字母都要大写?为什么常看到介词、冠词首字母没大写? 在什么情况下专有名词前冠词介词等在内所有字母都大写?是英语所有单词开头字母大写 ''The holder of that card will receive special service''翻译成中文 请问,basic state of 在这里怎么翻译?谢谢!but closer analysis shows that a vivid yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm.你的意思是state是意义的意思? be a heart strong it's really exciting that I could join the Lions 为什么COULD原句为Don't you think it's really exciting that I could join the Lions 为什么could 而不用can?算是虚拟语气吗? The teacher and woker 和 The teacher and the woker 的动词be 怎样用? 英语什么情况下用myself 、myselves、my 谁能告诉我一些经济方面成功人士的奋斗故事!谁能告诉我一些经济方面的成功人士在大学时很堕落,不出色,但最终通过努力走向成功的事迹!最好是传记性的! 还有bron bron是什么意思?还有ABC是什么意思? 谢谢了啊,拜托 before they are I saw him walked awayHe made his son ran away from home. 对这句话提问:We are going to the Sea World in the East Lake.用“where”开头 A:______________are you ______________?B:I'm going to Xili lake.A:______________are you ______________?B:I'm going to Xili lake.A:_______________are you going to______________there?B:I'm going to fish.A:______________?B:Yes ,I like fi they t_____ to catch him ,but he ran away 【根据首字母填空】 receive so large a reward 和receive such a large reward哪个对主要是so 、such的区别 去银行购买支票需要什么手续 the date of the repeated forwarding of the complete invoice Are there your pens?重写句子,使意思与原句子基本相同 在英语作文题目中,有时需要几个词构成一个短语来构成,我知道这几个词的首字母需要大写,当然,除介词外,但冠词用不用大写呢,在网上搜了,有的说用,有的说不用,所以特地来请教,请回答务必 ( )Look!This is ___lD card.A.an B./ C.a Look,this is____empy glass.A,a B.an C.the D./ 人类史上的战争性质可分为 孟子曰;孔子登东山而小鲁,登太行而小天下 用THERE BE 开头改写一下句子,意思不变1.He didn't change much .2.We had nothing to do.We went back home. 支票是什么东西啊?通俗易懂介绍给我 帮忙分析下这句的结构,there be 句型 能不能改写成易理解的句子?There is the sense among Amazonians that the jungle sits poised to devour the unwary. 用there be完成下列句子What do you think _______ in our city in ten years?New term is coming and _______many new school things in my pencil box._______more buses in the future?No,_________.