
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:22:34
窍组一个词,再造句.要用组的词造句 He wants me to do it(不定词作宾语补语) I have letters to write(不定词作形容词)He wants me to do it(不定词作宾语补语)I have letters to write(不定词作形容词)为什么2个句子 不定词一个是宾语补 珍珠贝 和贝壳 哪个形容 一个心灵脆弱的人 为了不想受伤 保护自己比较合适呢 现代著名诗人卞之淋的卞读bian还是ka 现代著名诗人卞之琳的卞应读什么 It is dangerous ( ) jump into the pond.A.to B.don't C.for Don‘t____the fire.It's too dangerous.不要玩火,太危险了.完成句子请说明为什么要选这个答案 something,just like photos,telep hone numbers delete是什么意思 卞之琳是中国人吗她除了 断章 还有什么精彩诗啊 I wonder if he dare jump down from the bridge,为什么这个句子有两个谓语动词? He fell down from the stage,but it was not serious? he himself buit a science lab和he built a science lab himself这句话对吗 请教诸位一下啊----是built him a house还是built himself a house呢?为什么啊? are you.怎样否定 passed.past.next.other的用法区别 按要求修改句子原句:My fathar swims faster than my uncle and I.(句意不变)修改:My father swims _____ _____ of us. Could any more feminist crap be shoved down our throats?shove down one's Do you have any _______(interest) in drawing?适当形式填空,并说明为什么 No one but the manager himself speaks German in our company不对如何改呢?必学保持一样的意思.各位哥哥姐姐,叔叔阿姨们、 The manager could have attended the meeting himself.为啥不可以用by himself? --I like drawing.What about you?--________ a.I like b.I like,too c.So do I d.So I do 请问句子的成分by,在这里做什么成分?The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses.请问这里的by怎么翻译,做什么成分啊. by myself 句子中做什么成分 被动态句子中by以及后面的部分是作什么成分?宾语?补语?表语?能不能帮解释下?谢了!那是主语补语还是宾语补语? 请问这句画红线英语by后面的句子做什么成分 written by在这个句子中起什么作用?做什么成分? There was no railway the two cities long ago before1990there was no airline ()the two cities中间填什么? 用理想是.,给.的人.造句 例如:理想是黑夜的启明星,给迷失方向的人指引方向. 仿照句“你不是启明星,却带来了希望的曙光”仿照3句 谐音中文thirty people awayTamas wells 的thirty people away 谐音中文歌词,里错瑞to洗牙的放的累狂的T木TO筏 这样的歌词跪求.修改下,歌曲名字是tamas wells 的the crime at edmond lake 残暴的近义词