
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:00:16
这本书比那本书有趣的多?英语怎么说急 ''这本书里的故事比那本书里的故事有趣得多''用英语怎么说 卫生部的英语翻译 数学白痴求教.高中数学-频率分布直方图.希望能跟我讲讲. 十万火急! 初中英语预备课程课课练答案我的悬赏很高的, 英文翻译:英语歌三个字怎么写? at the age of 和 at one's age 最好举个例子. in one's +年龄和at the age of的区别in one's +年龄这个年龄可以是任何数字吗? we all took him as one of_our own__________(我们自己)At the age of7,she had_______her own_________(、她自己)The headmaster found the bike of _h im own_________(他自己的)请帮我仔细分析一下,泵总结出知识点和规律 about one's own age翻译 例句 连词成句:1 buy,bread,want,i,to,some 2 you ,do ,any,vegetables,have 3 it,nice,on,looks,very,yo连词成句:1 buy,bread,want,i,to,some 2 you ,do ,any,vegetables,have3 it,nice,on,looks,very,you4 i,about,think,will,it 5 we,fish,have,some ,here You I-pad is quite nice.Where did you buy____?I want to buy___,too.it,too选填 your shoes are very nice.Where did you buy 这后面应该用it 还是them 为什么? 英语翻译这首歌曲是《98拳皇》里的一首背景伴奏音乐我非常喜欢,但是这“In Spite Of One's Age”的意思我就不明白了.谁能一一的告诉我这几个词语的意思?并且告诉我整句话的意思?翻译过来越 Kate’s dress is very nice.(对very nice提问) Would you like this dress,Madam Um ,very nice I’ll —— A buy them B take them C take it You look very nice in the dress.对very nice提问 The dress is very nice(改为感叹句) The skirt is --- expensive.l want to buy a cheaper one.(50)A.quite B.tooC.very D.soquite是主观,too是客观.这里应该如何选用?从句意上,好像四个选项都可以啊 The long black skirt is very nice 改一般疑问句怎么改? These _____(watch) are very nice.I want to buy one. The store _____nice skirt_____the girls A,sell;from B,buy;from C,sells;to D,buy;to我不理解这段话的意思,我不知道在这段话中”to“是什么作用,为什么要用to? Tom is buying a skirt and i want to buy ( ),too.用one 还是用a one为什么 求教:“因而,因此,所以 ”三个词之间的区别与用法. 的、地、得三个词的区别以及正确用法是怎样的? 三个词区别,用法?instructionintroductiondirection 请帮我解释一下这三个词(组)的不同用法.have(has)/have(has) got/there be. 《当我长大了我想成为.》英语作文100—-80词 The s() and dishes taste very nice,括号中填s开头的单词 It's very nice___ pictures for meIt's very nice____pictures for me.为什么空里填of you to draw,而不是of you to drawing ,of不是介词,后头应该跟动名词吗? 孔子生活再什么时期