
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:19:46
关于流水的诗,大哥大姐行行好 与流水有关的诗有(题目)要多,要质量! 水管流水题目一个蓄水池有甲、乙两个进水管和一个丙排水管,单独开甲管6小时可注满水池;单独开乙管8小时可注满水池,单独开丙管9小时可将满池水排空,若先将甲、乙管同时开放2小时,然 what is the meaning of spark? what is the meaning of hummock what is the meaning of "jjffjjff"education ___is it ___has made you feel so upset?A.What; that B.How; which C.When; what D.Which; as 一道初三数学中心对称图形习题如图,梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,AB⊥BC,M是腰CD的中点,请用中心对称图形的性质证明AM=BM 中心对称图形是什么样子的呢.如题 We have many clubs.Jim joins our soon.这句话如何翻译?这里的our是否应该用ours? 丑小鸭这个故事告诉我们什么道理? 丑小鸭还能变成什么?作文.就是模仿丑小鸭.写一写丑小鸭还能变成什么?变成后的故事. 《丑小鸭》故事简介!要简洁 简洁 简洁 简洁 life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you are gonna getfanyi She still remembers the days_she spent in the countryside.A.while B.that C.when D.during which 答案选B,为什么呢? 英语翻译要用到1单元的知识 she still remembers the days ___ she was in the counteyside ____ she was young.a.as thatb.which whenc.when asd.during which that she still rembers the day__she spent in the countrysideA.while B.that C.when D.during which为什么不是C She suggested__another day in the countryside.A.our spendingB.for spendingC.to spend D.spending选哪一个,为什么 以下选项中,与k=n++完全等价的是A) n=n+1,k=n B) k=n,n+=1 \x05C) k=++n \x05D) k+=n+1 已知(sin(a-b)+sin(N*a))/sin(N*a-b)=K,求用b,N,K表达的a的表达式问题提交后才发现有错误,应为已知(sin(a-b)+sin(N*a))/sin(N*a+a-b)=K,求用b,N,K表达的a的表达式 不过本条回答只是其中的一个解,还有一个解:a=± 三句英文是什么意思. 同义句what is the meaning of "buddy" what( )"buddy"( what is the meaning of the word admire?(同义句) what ____ the word admire____? what's the meaning of the word?(同义句) 寻THAT'S MY GOAL歌词 求数列极限用洛必达法则为什么还要转化成函数形式? 求数列极限时能用洛必达法则吗 巴黎圣母院摘抄和赏析要好句或好段不要片段;是对句子或段落的赏析. 天下足球制作that's my goal就是怎样做出那种象在球场的音效 希望的近义词没什么说的 希望的近义词是什么